Just subscribed to 50+ newsletters in the past hour
— Janel (@JanelSGM) August 4, 2020
(for a side project)
Here are some lessons I've learned
Thread \U0001f447
Just subscribed to 50+ newsletters in the past hour
— Janel (@JanelSGM) August 4, 2020
(for a side project)
Here are some lessons I've learned
Thread \U0001f447
1/ Clear Value Proposition
— Janel (@JanelSGM) August 4, 2020
Do you articulate clearly the following?
- What content you write about
- Who your newsletter is for
- How your audience will benefit from your newsletter?
I've been launching a product a month, with the aim of launching 12 in 12 months (w/ @LaunchMBA)
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 18, 2020
This month, I'll be launching an actionable info product.
Core Tools: @NotionHQ @gumroad
Want to guess what I'll launch?
Free copy for the first person who guesses right.
It's 2AM. Just bought a domain.
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 19, 2020
Confident that I am building something that's valuable enough to sell.
I really don't like selling stuff "just because"
It has to be good enough for me to want to buy it. This passes my criteria.
More details soon. Will #buildinpublic as usual
Newsletter Operating System
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 19, 2020
Launching pre-orders for my first info product
This one's for newsletter writers
Managing a newsletter is time-consuming
I've created a dashboard that helps save you hours in the curation, writing & growth process
More below \U0001f447
Shared about my milestone & how I reached $1K revenue and 100 pre-sales on @IndieHackers.
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 22, 2020
If you\u2019re thinking of building something, you should definitely join the Indie Hackers community.
Check out my post below.
Built out Newsletter OS further this weekend & am proud to say that it is going to save newsletter writers so much time.
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 25, 2020
Last chance to get it at $15.
It'll be $29 for pre-orders starting Monday noon EST, and will land on $49 at launch.
Today is video taking day for the slightly more complex components of Newsletter OS.
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 29, 2020
Just so that anyone's who's new to @NotionHQ can follow along in each section :)
One day left before shipping.#buildinpublic
Launch sneaks for Newsletter OS
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 30, 2020
Brand Asset Page
Every newsletter writer needs to have their assets / blurbs ready to submit to newsletter directories
The graphics and colors for the sample assets were created by @Mike_Andreuzza
Template inspired by @felix12777
One hour to launch.
— Janel (@JanelSGM) October 30, 2020
Have hidden 2 easter eggs in Newsletter OS.
First one to find and post where they are publicly on Twitter will win a 30-min newsletter consult with me on anything newsletter related.
(Early access folks can't play!)
Here's roughly how I grew from 0 to 1400 followers in 4 months.
— Jakob Greenfeld (@jakobgreenfeld) December 15, 2020
Let's collaborate
— Aaron Aalto (@aaraalto) December 17, 2020
Step 1: Take this image
Step 2: Be creative with it
Step 3: Reply with your creation
My advice to first-time info product creators:
— Daniel Vassallo (@dvassallo) July 26, 2020
1. Start with a very small product.
2. Choose a topic you know well that will almost write itself. Avoid doing research.
3. Timebox production to 2 weeks.
4. Charge $10.
5. Promote it!
All the lessons are in #5. Best of luck!
How to be a better writer:
— James Clear (@JamesClear) July 5, 2019
-write about what fascinates you
-make one point per sentence
-use stories to make your point
-cut extra words like \u201creally\u201d and \u201cvery\u201d
-read the whole thing out loud
-post publicly (you\u2019ll try harder when you know others will read it)
What else?
Every single critic of "cancel culture" just thinks the wrong people are getting canceled.
— Michael Hobbes (@RottenInDenmark) February 2, 2021