There is no other story that incites more hate then a story about a transgender person participating in sport, with the exception of stories relating to transgender bathroom use or in President Trumps World his hate for transgender people serving in the military.

Let’s remove the words transgender, Laurel, Hannah or Mack Beggs out of the conversation for a minute and let’s look at some of the medical consequences that occur when an XY male suffers low levels of testosterone.
When a man has low testosterone, or hypogonadism, he may experience:
-Reduced sex drive
-Erectile dysfunction
-Low sperm count
-Enlarged or swollen breast tissue
Over time, these symptoms may develop in the following ways:
-Loss of body hair
-Loss of muscle bulk
-Loss of strength
-Increased body fat
Chronic, or ongoing, low testosterone may lead to osteoporosis, mood swings, reduced energy, and testicular shrinkage.
None of these medical consequences are performance enhancing. No castrated XY male has ever broken a world record or even competed at the elite level of sports.
The medications administered to transitioning XY females are powerful drugs the same drugs used to chemically castrate sex offenders the same drugs used to chemically castrate prostate cancer sufferers.
A male in this health condition is able to be granted a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) for T to bring his T levels up to the same level as his same sex competitors but this is not allowed for surgically transitioned women they are forced to compete unhealthy.
This treatment changed my body from a 100kg dual int male athletes body into a 57kg size 6 transitioned woman’s body with my body suffering permanent severe post menopausal symptoms including complete muscle atrophy & over 200 medical complications in my body.
The Xy transitioned female are the only athletes in the world that can medically illustrate, physiologically, how the body breaks down over time and what happens to the human physiology when testosterone values get down to a certain level or is removed, and the..
body is no longer able to generate any hormones. For all other athletes that have been discussed in this space, their testosterone levels are their ‘normal’, and they are healthy.

The maintenance of endogenous testosterone levels is essential to basic health in both men and women. An XY male who transitions to XY female has had their major source of endogenous testosterone (the testicles) taken away, ...11-
so needs to take synthetic testosterone in order to maintain basic health.

At this point, it is important to point out that testosterone is not exclusively a male hormone. It is produced by both males and females in the testicles and ovaries (& also in the adrenal glands), ...
however XY chromosome bodies need to produce it in higher quantities 6 to 10 times as they have XY androgen receptors. 

XX androgen receptors are highly sensitive to testosterone, requiring much less testosterone to equate the same level of health. However, both male and female elite athletes also produce testosterone in higher quantities than the ‘normal’ population,
and there is also a significant amount of overlap between testosterone levels in male and female elite athletes.
The assumption is that the @iocmedia / @wada_ama did research to support their current policies to regulate sport. It is untrue. No work was ever done. If the IOC did the work in the first place, one this would be acknowledged.
@wada allows men diagnosed with low testosterone to apply for an exemption to take synthetic testosterone, an otherwise banned substance, because they have a medical need.
In the same document, WADA stipulates in bold font)that this exception should not be approved for females.Even if a woman’s testosterone falls below a healthy limit,she isnot granted the same opportunity as a man to raise it to levels commensurate with her samesex competitors.19-
Trans male athletes who transition from female to male,however, can compete hormonally unfettered. In fact, @wada_ama maintains that the use of synthetic testosterone“is essential for completion of the anatomical and psychological transition process in female-to-male athletes.20-
In a separate document, WADA incorrectly insists that there is no known indication for testosterone supplementation in transgender female athletes.
testosterone is not just about performance enhancement, but also about one’s health and wellbeing. This is the crux of what was learnt in the case of Kristen Worley...
& this is what has damaged my health making sport at any level impossible.
@threadreaderapp please unroll

More from Kirsti Miller

Would having the testosterone limit for transgender women at 10nmol/L (5-10 times what’s considered “typical” for women) give them a massive advantage over their cisgender opponents?

Absolutely not, is recognized an XY chromosome body is seen as unhealthy <12nmol/L or less. A XY female as they lose the ability to produce natural occurring testosterone, falls into a range of 0.4nmol/L.

Which we know too, the individual falls into menopause at 9.6nmol/L, and due to complete androgen deprivation eventually into the position of that would equate a XX female = who had had a complete hysterectomy including her gonads.

We can be assured, one this is extremely unhealthy – Moreover, and most important, we can be assured that there are no women either XX and or XY competing internationally like this.

This is not for anyone a desired state and for the participation high performance sport eventually impossible to participate longterm.

More from Transgender

”No child should ever be forced to live a life that is not theirs, I did and it nearly killed me many times.”

It appears that every time an under-age Transgender person attempts to access medical care to make their lives better conservative people try to say they’re not ready for it.

As an older transgender woman who waited until I my mid 30’s due to those same prevailing attitudes, I feel it’s sad right-wing people are still trotting out those same tired old lines.

According to them, we’re too young to know our gender pre-pubescent and when we start undergoing a puberty which doesn’t align with our gender identity apparently we’re still far too young to access puberty blockers to make the masculinisation process go away.

These people only want us to access medical care after the age of 18 and that’s when it’s far too late for many Trans women, as the whole masculinisation process [which we didn’t want in the first place] has already happened.
Okay #trans allies - what are you going to do to help us? Actual, concrete actions? What will you do:
- today?
- over the course of a week?
- before the end of the year?
- throughout 2021?
I want to hear about it - and I want you to spread the word to other cis people.

Some ideas, if you're stuck. If you have the money, donate to one (or all) of these fundraisers/organisations:

1. @GoodLawProject Transgender Lives

2. A trans healthcare/mutual aid fund:
- @BlkTAlliance

- @BlackTransUK


- @transMAMCR

- @SWTNMutualAid

3. @Genderintell, to get help to the young trans people under attack right now.

4. Educate yourself about #trans lives so that you can confidently spread that knowledge amongst your cis networks. Buy a trans-authored book today, read it cover to cover, then PASS IT ON TO A CIS FRIEND. Is there a trans resource you love? Give it to ALL your cis friends.

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