Canadian media has acted like the messenger for the devil's architects. Conservative supporters bought out the Toronto Star and Post Media"s foreign owned hedge fund are calling the shots.

Post Media in Canada represents a foreign ownership of the free press that would not be tolerated in the U.S., France, Japan or Germany.
As for Leon Cooperman, who owned 14% of Postmedia and 7% AMI, the SEC leveled insider trading charges against him for trades he directed in a small pipeline stock. Cooperman settled by paying $4.9 million, but neither admitted nor denied the accusations.
Postmedia's Deep Ties with American Media Inc.
In November 2019, Postmedia announced that 66% of its shares were now owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American media conglomerate which owns American Media, Inc., and is known for its close ties to the Republican party.
Intratrust connects Postmedia to Enbridge Risk Management, SNC Lavalin, Jared Kushner, weapons manufacturers, OPP projects with Bird Construction which is owned by Richard Bird a VP with Enbridge etc.
Intratrust is used by weapons manufacturers, pipeline and prison projects, Post Media etc. It is a tax haven, a way to pass bribes and launder money. See page 11 of this report.
Here is how Intratrust links to Russia, Jared Kushner, Brookfield and Rostneft etc.
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta is linked to Intratrust. A known financial institution, linked to Russia and tax evasion. See for yourself people. click the LOU registered number. The address goes to Intratrust.
Qatar, the Queen, both US and Canada Media, Kushner and Rostneft & pipeline companies including Enbridge Risk Management, Kinder Morgan etc. are all linked to a single address of Intratrust. SNC Lavalin too! It's their Netherlands address.
This is the address. Go here. It's the one single address that united them all.
I exhausted protocols in Canada trying to report this. I shared my work with Ministers, media, Revenue Canada, OPP & RCMP. Note: Prime Minister Harper's Office is refered to as PMO in the documents I secured from Police.
The police have no jurisdictional power to investigate the Prime Minister. They are stuck under the chain of command. In Canada the Minister of Justice is the Attorney General of Canada. It is a dual role portfolio in the Canadian system. No objectivity no justice.
@threadreaderapp unroll
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed a trade deal with Panama in 2010, which encourages tax evasion by Canadian companies, according to experts.

More from Louisette Lanteigne 🌎✌️⚖️♥️

Canada is failing to act on Climate Change. @wef @WorldBank @IMFNews @IPCC_CH @UNDPGAIN @AntiCorruptIntl @Pontifex @JustinWelby @OCCRP @StopCorpAbuse @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @ecojustice_ca @WCELaw @CanEnvLawAssn @envirodefence @IBA_Canada #cdnpoli

Covid recovery money is going to the oligarchy.

Ottawa and the provinces have put very little on the table to help clean-tech companies directly during Covid 19 while targeting fossil-fuel producers with more than $16 billion in aid.

Coast to coast people have demanded treaties be honored. We demanded climate action, divestment and land back but Canada is not listening. This video shows 10 years of rallies in Waterloo Ontario. City & regional council declared a climate emergency. 🚨

The Bank of China (BOC), SNC-Lavalin and WE Charity were recipients of taxpayer-funded the Covid 19 Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

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