1/x ‘Twas the night before Christmas & all through the market not an order was stirring not even for $TGT.
The bonuses were entered into payroll with care,
In hopes that next year would bring a similar fare;
The Bulls were nestled all snug in their beds;

2/x While visions of $TSLA danced in their heads;
& Biden in his Covid mask, & Powell with his still flowing money tap,
Had just settled their brains for a long winter's nap,
When out on the screen there arose such a clatter,
All sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
3/x Away to their monitors they flew like a flash,
Tore open their Bloombergs & threw up the dash(board).
The S. Claus rally in markets, that all of us know,
Paired w/vaccine reopening, Gave a bid to the market, leaving old prices below,
When what to their wondering👀 did appear?
4/x But a Georgia runoff rushing up to them with complacency, not fear...
With once reliable Vanna flows no longer lively & quick,
They knew in a moment the markets might get quite sick...
Unexpected, 2 Georgia Dem peaches into Congress they came,
5/x Whistling & shouting they called for more fiscal, ‘CARES Too’ its new name:
"Now, Healthcare! Now, Infrastructure! Now Green Energy & Protectionism!
On, Labor rights! on, Minimum Wage! on, Basic Income & Populism!
To middle class households, To the poorest of them all!
6/x Now spend away! Spend away! Spend away all!"
As prices that before the wild 🚁 money flies,
When met w/fiscal stimulus, mount to the skies;
So up longterm rates, up they flew!
W/ commodities & real estate too-
& then, in a twinkling, they heard a crack in IPO’s & the SPAC’s.
7/x The faltering & slowing of growth names like ‘Slack’.
As they drew in their head & looked @ the market all around,
Down the chimney multiples slid with a bound!
Backed with only speculative cash, from retail’s Wall Street Bets,
& w/ shares priced on eyeballs like 2000’s $PETS
8/x A bundle of junk without any more free money for bills,
The ‘growth’ complex began to look like a Nikola truck rolling down hills...
But Value investors—how their portfolios twinkled! Their relative performance, how merry!
9/x W/the real economy, smelling like roses, demand for goods, what a flurry!
For the 1st time in decades their mouths drawn up like bows,
@ their backs, to their surprise, the beginnings of actual passive flows!
Gone buybacks, now antitrust hearings & regulatory action w/ teeth,
10/x In their stead, Discounted Cash Flows encircled the head of Value Stocks like a wreath;
Household incomes expanded, returning status & food to the working class belly,
That, after decades, shook again, when they laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
11/x Chubby & plump, the now shiny new, rust belt, turned to Biden, that senile, jolly old elf,
They all began to laugh when they heard him say, ‘Folks...’, in spite of themselves;
A wink of his eye & a twist of his head,
12/x Soon gave the electorate even MOAR stimulus, making them believe they had nothing to dread...
So, despite equity markets’ continued decline, he went straight back to work,
Rebuilding ‘Back Better;’ then inflation ticked up, with even more of a jerk,
13/x And Powell & Yellen, heading a re-emergent Phillips curve, forcibly set down their monetary hose,
And giving a nod, up the yield curve even more the rates rose;
Savers delighted, as the TINA effect gave its last whistle,
And away the economy flew like the down of a thistle.
14/14 So, 4 years later, despite poor real market returns, We could still hear Biden exclaim, with his 2024 re-election victory in sight—
“The Economy Is Not the Stock Market...
Merry Christmas...& to all a good night!”

More from Cem Karsan 🥐

1/x Vanna joined the wheel of fortune on this day in 1982,& 38 years later she’s stronger than ever...Friday’s into the Mon of qrtrly OpEx in particular aren’t a time to trifle w/her...As called for, the market continues to try & shake out weak hands from overextended positioning

2/x by both HF & Retail, but ultimately these moves are no match for our fair lady’s charming flows during this window, & should continue to support this market through 12/16 w/ qrtrly Vixperation & the Fed upon us....As I highlighted Fri, the minor correction in price/time that

3/x we got down to the 20 day, w/precise technical support at that level, paired w/ increasingly positive Dark Pool (DIX) demand was a textbook buy signal, given the timing...Despite all of this, the real story is not these positive flows nearly as much as the continued reflexive

4/x IVol compression...This is the holiday gift that keeps on giving. Along w/ continued targeted short Vol, massive calendar expansion & dispersion opportunities continue to print $ with VRP >94th % of occurrences & post 1/8 Vol still at a floor... This $ train doesn’t show any

5/x sign of stopping yet, as I expect Ivol oversupply should continue to be the dominant force through at least 12/16 & once we get through 12/21 without incident, likely beyond...W/ lots of imbedded potential energy still in the VRP to fuel more vanna/charm flows in the month to
1/x As we’ve been calling for since Nov, today we finally got our 2 ‘Georgia Peaches’🍑 precisely on schedule, as we’ve called for since Aug, & the underlying rotation has confirmed now for months, this matters. This is a historic turning point. It matters not only https://t.co/BFxKGrI1Oo

2/x for this year, but for the economic trajectory of America & likely the macroeconomic regime of the developed world for the coming decade. That said, contrary to popular belief, the market does not move based on news in the short term if the positioning doesn’t allow it to.

3/x & our old friend Gary the 🦍 & his sidekick Vanna are positioned to have this market pinned through 1/11. So, as explained ad nauseam, the election news, though fundamentally important, won’t matter to the index itself in the ST. As predicted, the largest moves from the GA

4/x runoff INITIALLY have come from factor rotation. This should continue to be the case, as the street is oversupplied IVol & the index is pinned. This not only allows for idiosyncratic risk moves in constituents, but it actually FORCES extreme noncorrelation & rotation, as we

5/x have witnessed now for the past 2 days. This Vol compression will be increasingly difficult to break free from until 1/11-1/15, but the window of weakness is coming...soon the final hedges from the ‘election hump’ in Nov will expire with the Jan monthly options. Once the

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