Ever think that Robot-robots are cooler than Meat-robots? Yeah, I know. I am weird like that. 😐🖖🏽

Humanity; possibly the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence. - @elonmusk

This was a difficult book to get through and hard to absorb in a single read. But this book explains in detail how artificial superintelligence will eventually arise and what are the works that being done. It's also a fascinating walkthrough of what intelligence really is.
This year has been wild with so many things happening in a news cycle it's just really crazy and hard to keep track off. I mean think about it, from pandemic to trump to Islamist, to black lives matter and climate change and so many more things than I can fit into this tweet.
But if was to pick 1 thing that will have the most lasting impact on humanity into perpetuity would be that of developments in AI that has happened silently in the background without most people ever noticing it.
The most important of which is that of GPT3, a language learning model that has the capacity of 175 billion machine learning parameters, beating previous efforts by GPT2 (mid year) and also a model by Microsoft by 10x (February) all within this year. The growth is exponential.
So what is GPT3? A video is easier to explain. https://t.co/NBGGQkUwA7
And I recommend this as well https://t.co/PekK75UlPq
GPT3 is so amazing its hard to even comprehend how significant this is. Here is another video. https://t.co/0Qy3yJO8jy
Also combine this with developments in machine vision. https://t.co/v82yYx2FAt
So what does all this mean for people all over the world? We will be longing for the good old days of 2020 when the misinformation was still kind of distinguishable from reality. That line is about to fucking disappear. Sam Harris and Nina Schick explain.

I can not even remember how many times I have said ”everything has changed” this year. I think it begs repeating again. EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! 2020 is a pivot point in humanity and we are now venturing into the unknown. Welcome to the future.
Oh and buy cloud computing stocks. The stock market gains from the last 20 years is possibly a precursor to a much larger market move coming. It's will be like the last 20 years of tech was was just proof of concept. And now it's time for the main event to begin.

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