Want to try #NoCode but don't know where to start?

Here's a thread of ways to begin your no-code journey 🧵👇


Task: 📃 Create a simple single-page website for creating your online profile

Platform: @carrd

Task: 🏗️ Create a sophisticated website for your business

Platform: @webflow

Task: 🚀 Launch a website to publish articles or show off your portfolio

Platform: @readymag or @SubstackInc

Task: 🧭 Create a web app and/or a mobile app

Platform: @bubble and/or @thunkable

Task: 💬 Set up a chatbot to handle messages sent to your Facebook page

Platform: @OctaneAI

Task: 👥 Join a community of no-code learners

Platform: @100daysnocode

... or, maybe you still want to learn more about no-code before fully getting started? 🧐

We got you covered!

Check out our beginner's guide to no-code below 👇



More from Startups

1/ Tuesday was my last day as CEO of @CircleUp. I’ve been CEO since starting the co. in 2011 with my co-founder @roryeakin.

This is a thread about what happened, why and my emotions about it. For more detail:


Much of this I have never talked about.

2/ My goals: I hope it helps founders feel less lonely than I did. Little public content about the challenges of transitioning exists, but I longed for it. I’m not here to provide a playbook- just to share my experience. Hope it might build greater empathy.

Here goes….

3/ Why: When I tell people that I’m transitioning to an Exec Chairman role their first question is always: “why?” Short answer: co. pivot + fertility issues + health issues + a false sense that grit was always the answer = burnout. Long answer: is longer so hang in there with me

4/ Over a 12-18 month period that ended in late 2017 I ran my tank far beyond empty for far too long. You know that sound your car makes when it’s sputtering for more gas? It was like that. Worst year of my life. Since then it has felt like bone on bone.

5/ Here is what happened:

Professionally: pivoting a Series C company was a living hell in and of itself, as I’ve talked about before.

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