How to create a successful SaaS from scratch.

Steal the process I've used to build 5 $10k+ MRR SaaS's.


#1 Find a problem

Problems are everywhere.

Everyone has one:

>> Agency Owners
>> Coaches
>> Freelancers

All you have to do is Investigate, ask Qs and deep dive into a niche.

Then find a painful problem that people wouldn't mind paying money to get rid of.
#2 Find an existing solution

This one is the easiest part of the process.

Here's what to do instead:

Go to Google and search for "[Problem] + software".

Compare the available solutions.

Pick the best one.
#3 Reverse engineer how it works

Break down the solution in it's core components.

Most SaaS are structured this way:

>> Database
>> Back-end
>> API
>> Front-end

This is easier if you already know programming.

But if you don't, you can pay someone to break it down for you.
#4 Make it better

Think of ways to make it better.

See what the current solution is lacking and fix it:

>> Is it too slow? Make it faster
>> Is it too ambiguous? Make it simpler
>> Does it lack features? Add them

The thing is to add VALUE to your solution.
#5 Build it

I've said this before and I'll say it again:

You DON'T have to code your SaaS yourself.

Instead, pay someone to build it for you:

>> Go to lemon(dot)io
>> Tell them about your project
>> Let them match you with a dev
>> Give project to dev
>> Wait until it's done
#6 Traffic

All that's left is driving traffic to your SaaS.

Start with free traffic:

>> Blogs
>> Social media
>> Podcasts
>> Newsletter
>> Your own course

Then use paid traffic:

>> Ads
>> SEO
>> Influencers

From $0 to $2.5k MRR -> free.

$2.5k and above MRR -> paid.
That's it!

I tweet about SaaS, marketing and online business.

Follow me for more actionable advice on those topics.

And if you’d like to get more in-depth SaaS advice subscribe to the Newsletter:

More from Startups

I shipped all these apps in 2020. Most of them generated $0.

🎬 $0
🌍 $0
💡 $0
🐞 $1.99
👍 $3,025 in 10 days.

But that's ok, just keep shipping! My stories👇

🎬 is the first thing I created. It's a community for indie makers. The different thing is we post updates in videos. I created it for fun as I think the world doesn't need one more text-based forum, so I make a video one. No monetization plan so far.

🌍 is a social app. The idea is from Linktree, an app to share your social links. I thought it would be cool to add more visuals to it, and meanwhile we can explore others around. I also have no monetization plan for it. Make it for fun too.

💡 is a platform to connect influencers with their fans. People says it's like @superpeer. But the only difference is it's all sync. Influencers don't need to commit their time to fixed slot. Fans pay to ask questions, influencers can answer at anytime.

Continuing Influenswer... I think the product has its potential. But for now maybe I didn't find the right niche to serve. Will re-evaluate it in future.
1/ If you want to find out what is in the Y Combinator S19 batch, @Golden has compiled (using public signals) a near complete list of truly exciting companies.

If we are missing any or you want to help improve the data you can edit the topics.

2/ Here is the direct public query if you want to check it out:

[Note: no off the record cos are in here unless they have been publicly launched already]

3/ Also, here are 2,000+ other YC companies we have generated information

4/ We used the Golden Research Engine to generate this information, which you can find out more about here and ping me if you want a

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