How to build a $100/day digital side hustle.

A dead simple guide to get you started:

Since 2020, I've:

• Built an online audience of 80k+
• Sold $150k+ in digital products
• Secured $50k+ in contracts
• Generated 100M+ views

It all helped me build a side hustle that allowed me to leave my 9-5.

If I had to start from scratch, here's what I would do:
1. Find your "niche-of-one"

This is found at the intersection of:

• What you're good at
• What is already popular
• What is currently profitable

The three ingredients of a profitable, money-making side hustle.
2. Start on Twitter


Twitter is the best audience building platform because:

• You can DM creators
• You can collect rapid data
• You can quickly execute on publishing
• You can mix short and long form content

(And we'll leverage the content later)
3. "Borrow" your core audience

Most people:

• Publish into the void
• Purchase shares & retweets
• Join expensive engagement groups

To grow in the beginning.

There's another way...

The "Waffle House Marketing Strategy"

Check it out:
4. Repurpose popular content into threads

Data is our most important asset online.

• Publish short form content for 30 days (min)
• Scan the analytics and look for "signal"
• Repurpose into long form threads

This is the 10,000 follower playbook:
5. Syndicate content on LinkedIn

We can now take our successful Twitter content and:

• Convert into a carousel
• Upload to Linkedin
• 2X our reach

I love using the Carousel creator from Taplio for this.
6. Drive traffic to your newsletter:

Use every:

• Post
• Tweet
• Article
• Thread

To drive traffic to your list.

A question I get often, "how big do I need to be before starting a newsletter?"

Answer: no requirement.

If you're helping your audience – this will work.
7. Collect feedback for offer

Use your newsletter to:

• Uncover problems your audience has
• Provide more detailed info
• Test new ideas

Your newsletter is how you uncover your future offer.
8. Build your offer

Use Alex Hormozi's Value Equation:

• A dream outcome
• And likelihood of achievement

Divided by:

• A time delay
• And effort & scarifice

In other words, consider:

• Outcome
• Social proof
• Reduce time needed
• Minimize effort required
9. Promote high-touch services (first)

High-touch services:

• Are easier to sell
• Carry a higher price point
• Give you valuable client feedback

What are "high-touch" services?


• Group coaching
• Coaching calls
• Consulting

Use your newsletter to promote this.
10. Systematize this into a product

Once you get the feedback. Use it to:

• Develop a system
• Create a course
• Build an app

Anything that creates more leverage.

(I.e. takes your bandwidth out of the equation).
11. Reverse-engineer your revenue goals

Let's uncover our sales requirements.

Goal: $3,000 a month ($100/day).

We can sell:

• 60 group coaching calls at $200
• 1 high-touch service at $3,000
• 3.3 courses a day at $100

Pick a target and then work backward.
Happy building ✌️

If you this, please help me with two things:

1. Follow me @jonbrosio for more content
2. RT the first tweet to share this with your friends!

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The full story of || Dhruv ||

We’ll see How Dhruv occupied a fixed position in the northern sky?

I repeat “Untold Unsung now Unearthed”

Go through entire thread carefully.


RT & spread the knowledge.
Any questions use #AskPratz

.... continuing from previous thread/story

O prince! Thus concentrate on that omnipotent eternal Lord with the mantra - ‘OM NAMO BHAGWATE VAASUDEVAAY’ .

The prince Dhruv greeted the sages and continued on his journey. At last, he reached a beautiful forest Madhuvan on the bank of the river Yamuna. It was the same forest, which was later occupied by a demon Madhu.

Shatrughana, the youngest brother of Sri Rama had killed demon Lavan, son of Madhu in the same forest & founded the township of Mathura. In the same forest, prince Dhruv decided to carry out his penance. As per the dictate of the sages, he began to recite the mantra continuously

Very soon, the earth began to move because of Dhruv’s severe penance. Even the seat of Indra could not remain stable. A stampede resulted among the gods. The gods then hatched a conspiracy to disturb the penance.