“It’s been a horrendous year for victims of abuse,” Nicole Jacobs, the designated 1st domestic abuse commissioner for England & Wales. As England goes into new lockdown, the horrendous will continue. I made this in May 🎥 @rerutled

66%: The increase in the number of calls to the National Domestic Abuse helpline in March-May 2020 reported by Refuge
40%: The increase in the number of calls to the Women’s Aid chat line service in first two weeks of lockdown in March 2020 https://t.co/W4wDuFuqUD
On Tuesday, the domestic abuse bill, which includes creation of Jacobs’ role, goes to the House of Lords. The bill for 1st time will create a statutory definition of domestic abuse that encompasses emotional, coercive or controlling,and economic abuse as well as physical violence
14 women were recorded by Counting Dead Women as killed by men in 1st 3 weeks of lockdown in UK: highest rate for 11yrs.
Where’s the vaccine vs patriarchy?
Women, children, queer people are being terrorized at home. Home is where the hurt is
🎥 @rerutled
As England goes into 3rd lockdown, escaping domestic abuse was listed as a reason to break lockdown. In just about every country across the world, there has been a spike in domestic abuse during lockdown. what fucking world is this where such violence is a given?
What fucking world is this where men still beat & kill us even during pandemic?

-How long must we wait until men stop beating & murdering us?

Why was this Australian TV episode banned when I asked those questions?

- not everyone can call the police.
- not everyone wants to call the police.
- police don’t protect everyone: ask Indigenous women, Black women, women of colour, marginalized women, sex workers, etc
- I don’t want to be protected. I want to be free of violence
And that is why I don’t want to go back to “normal.” Fuck normal.

-I cut my hair off to cut up my return ticket to “normal.”
-There is no “going back to normal” after a pandemic.
-Refuse to return to the ABNORMAL

🎥 @rerutled

The #COVID19 pandemic is a disaster for women around the world - increase in violence in lockdown & it exacerbates already exiting inequalities.I launched FEMINIST GIANT to highlight feminist resistance to global patriarchal fuckery https://t.co/kUstIqd9F5
Sign up to FEMINIST GIANT. It’s free and will always be free, because I know these are difficult and intense times.

If you can pay, it helps keep it free


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@Suman68082748 @thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 Lets stop the criticism guys. The lad is good. Losses happen. Losses to unranked players happen too. As do wins vs top 10ers. Let's accept both. Remember Sumit and the likes of him are the best we have. See the bigger picture please.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 When the Europeans or South Americans were getting quality practice and tourneys week in week out at reasonable costs, our kids were playing on dung courts or learning outdated serve and volley on grass. Appreciate the fact that the last 10 years have been a hell lot better than

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 the 10 before that. Real change can't come in a day or even in 10 years. So let's grit our teeth and bide our time till we have an organic self sustaining system in place.

@siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno Tennis is my favourite sport in the universe. Has always been. Will always be. I was in love with Steffi and Pete a lot before I fell for Sachin. And while I would love every toddler in my family to play sports professionally, I won't encourage them to pursue my favourite sport.

@thetwinkwolff @x_karran_x @Sunil9130 @siyer30 @SportaSmile @Cric_Writer @RomilShukla @amanthejourno It will be career suicide. In other sports, I can actually plan for my ward to be the next Lin Dan or the next Tiger Woods or the next Schumacher even from a base in India. With tennis, in 2020 I can't do that realistically. Just doesn't adds up. Even for total freaks of nature.
Two things can be true at once:
1. There is an issue with hostility some academics have faced on some issues
2. Another academic who himself uses threats of legal action to bully colleagues into silence is not a good faith champion of the free speech cause

I have kept quiet about Matthew's recent outpourings on here but as my estwhile co-author has now seen fit to portray me as an enabler of oppression I think I have a right to reply. So I will.

I consider Matthew to be a colleague and a friend, and we had a longstanding agreement not to engage in disputes on twitter. I disagree with much in the article @UOzkirimli wrote on his research in @openDemocracy but I strongly support his right to express such critical views

I therefore find it outrageous that Matthew saw fit to bully @openDemocracy with legal threats, seeking it seems to stifle criticism of his own work. Such behaviour is simply wrong, and completely inconsistent with an academic commitment to free speech.

I am not embroiling myself in the various other cases Matt lists because, unlike him, I think attention to the detail matters and I don't have time to research each of these cases in detail.

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