The quote is often repeated at Christmas. “A child is born...” makes reference to the birth of Jesus. Makes sense.
But what does it mean?
Christians (and other religious observers with their religious texts) have made an art form out of interpreting what passages mean.
To those most radically devout (some might say zealously faithful), hidden divine meanings are gleaned from “correctly” reading the bible.
That’s what Dominionists believe. That god himself wrote the bible. Through inspiration of the actual authors, & only they can interpret.
And thus, the “inerrant“ bible serves as a strict road map to save ones soul.
Many devout Christians view the passage as a prophecy made centuries before the birth of Christ. A promise made by god through one of his prophets. Jews interpret the passage very differently.
The Anglican Priest is (obviously) correct about this being supersessionism, and a form of Anti-Semitism.
Troublesome as it is for a Canadian provincial govt to be tweeting out Anti-Semitic propaganda, that’s not the only meaning this passage has for Dominionist Christians.
First I must preface this with the declaration that I am not an expert in Christian scripture or dogma. But I can read and interpret what others write relatively accurately.
@profagagne, @C_Stroop, or
@MindShift2018 can fact check. They have far more expertise than me.
The passage tweeted out by the sock puppet account for Jason Kenney, premier of Alberta, Canada is relatively popular at this time of year. Isaiah 9:6 is a reference to a child being born and the characteristics he will possess.
But the passage can be interpreted numerous ways about government, theonomy (theocracy’s more rigid application) and what is expected of “true believers.”
The passage also prophesies the establishment of god’s Kingdom on earth. Where Jesus is the supreme ruler.
This is where the delusional zealotry of Dominionism becomes evident. As the supreme ruler of all of earth, Dominionists believe Isaiah prophesied the expectations for the Messiah’s human subjects; complete obedience and full subjugation to his rule and commands. No exceptions.
Those who don’t obey will be shown the “correct” way of living and worship by the “iron rod” wielded by Jesus during his forever rule of earth.
As well, Jesus is going to simplify politics for everyone to ensure peace.
He’s going to dumb it down so even the least educated can easily interpret his will.
Humans are sinners and their only hope for salvation is unyielding faith and total subjugation to the rule of god (or his earthly regent). Those who don’t yield suffer the iron rod.
Establishing the Kingdom of god on earth is a primary goal of Dominionist Christians. There is no need to wait for the arrival of Jesus. The Kingdom can be established and a temporary regent can be appointed until Jesus arrives. Many Dominionists believe his arrival is imminent.
So there is no need to express caution regarding climate change. God can fix any climate issues which threaten all life because he’s omnipotent. He created the whole universe, earth & it’s living & inanimate inhabitants in 6 days. Clearing the atmosphere is child’s play. For god.
Jesus will fix the climate, COVid, the economy; whatever it takes to protect the faithful, & then rule for eternity. (Presumably with regular climate cleansing to enable & maintain the abundant fossil fuels god provided.
So, not only is this passage an Anti-Semitic dog whistle for Christian White Nationalists, it’s also confirmation that the UCP stands behind the Dominionist Christian community and continues to work towards establishment of the Kingdom of god in Alberta, & UCP rule in perpetuity.
Or at the very least, until Jesus returns. I’m guessing that means Kenney is considered another divinely appointed ruler who will take care of this part of the Kingdom until Jesus comes again. Or maybe it’s Harper who is the unseen ruler behind the curtain.
Either way, the fact the Alberta government sent out this passage is a wake up call.
Dominionist Christian ideology, beliefs and values are dangerous, threatening and delusional. Like Trump, Kenney is harnessing fanatical beliefs to control politics and policy in Alberta.
Experts in Christian faith can confirm these beliefs and values are extremist and menacing. It’s an abandonment of democracy, human rights and logic and reason. There are no valid challenges to a deity. It’s futile to try reason and rationale.
Nothing will alter these beliefs.
I’ve attached a video from Frank Schaeffer. He’s a former evangelical leader. He and his father actually inspired much of the rhetoric and beliefs being perpetrated by the Dominionist Christian community in contemporary politics. Please watch.
Schaeffer is one of the experts who know Dominionism from the inside. Ex evangelicals know the ins and outs of Dominionism because they’ve lived it. Schaeffer is a trusted source of information about the objectives of Christian nationalists. He helped perpetuate it.
Please watch the 9 minute Scaeffer video. It explains the mindset of the people who are Dominionist Christian faithful believers. It explains why so many churches are refusing to follow COVid protocol.
The video explains how dangerous a provincial government that fosters and responds to the policy demands of the Dominionist community truly is.
Close to 50 UCP MLAs are full fledged members of the Dominionist community, including the premier.
The Isaiah biblical passage is an assertion of Christian righteousness that UCP believes they represent. It’s a warning that UCP believes they have god on their side and that liberalism, socialism and humanism is the work of Satan and those who believe it, the enemy.
It’s indication that logic, reason and science are useless tools to sway the premier’s beliefs, policies and allegiances.
Let that sink in.
It means most of UCP are delusional and beyond the reach of reasonable discourse.
It means Alberta and Albertans are in grave danger.
It means a reasoned logical argument is useless to influence policy in Alberta.
It means we ignore the taboo of questioning religious beliefs or continue banging our heads against a brick wall.
We must expose the delusional thinking and fanatical beliefs shaping AB policy.
The fact that a prominent Anglican priest felt the need to publicly voice concern about the use of this religious passage is a huge warning to the rest of the Albertan population.
When have you witnessed a member of the clergy warning citizens of the significance of the government’s chosen Christmas message?
This is the first time in my lifetime. I’m 53. This is an enormously significant warning from an actual Christian priest.
Take heed of the warning.
The mentally unbalanced are in charge of the province with unfettered power to legislate, in the middle of a pandemic.
That’s reality that needs the public’s attention.