- I am pretty sure you know your Metis history well enough to know about Martin Dunn and "The Other Metis" - people are starting to be educated and seeing through your crap. I will continue to make sure everyone fully understands what is happening here Josh.

LAC - Metis Circle Special Consultation -- Rock Matte, Claude Aubin, Frank Palmater etc.
Resources for Metis Researchers - Lawrence J Barkwell -Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research- Individuals from a variety of Metis communities, particularly in Atlantic and Central Canada, submitted reports to RCAP.
Royal Commission On Aboriginal Peoples Final Report Vol. 4 - Perspectives and Realities-by Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP)-1996-
Royal Commission On Aboriginal Peoples Final Report Vol. 4 - Perspectives and Realities- by Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1996 - Harry Daniels correspondence to Kirby Lethbridge. - Labrador Metis Nation - You know Todd Russel isn't from the RR Metis Nation either right?
Labrador Metis Nation
Gazette, 2009-05-21- Labrador Metis - mun_gazette_11076_full. -- funding for researching the Labrador Metis Nation
Windspeaker News- October 1996, page 11-Labrador Metis. Josh,you gonna tell all these people their identities too? I am sure you will try, guess what, stuff it .. You get to decide your own identity. NOT ANYONE ELSES, you do not have their worldviews or know anything about them.
Resources for Metis Researchers - Lawrence J Barkwell -Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research-Martin F Dunn-extensive paper- All My Relations- The Other Metis for RCAP in 1994.
Dunn-Martin-The-Other-Metis-A201701143_-Freedom Of Information Request- The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People 1984 All my relations the other Metis- for the Metis Circle Special Consultation
Windspeaker-8-may-1994 Frank Palmater - Metis Circle wraps up hearings - Eastern Metis - many groups mostly from Eastern Canada ...
All My Relations - The Other Metis - A discussion paper by Martin F Dunn
Federal and provincial responsibility in the Métis settlements of Alberta - Fred Martin - 1988. 50 p - Claims and Historical Research Centre S.l4 - The descendants were Metis by virtue of their mixed blood and non-Indian status.
Dunn-Martin-The-Other-Metis-A201701143_-Freedom Of Information Request- The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People 1984 All my relations the other Metis- for the Metis Circle Special Consultation- Terms for Sang Mele populations.
Royal Commission On Aboriginal Peoples Final Report Vol. 4 - Perspectives and Realities-by Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP)-1996- New Brunswick Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians.
Métis Circle Special Consultation- Viola Robinson (Mi'kmaw Commissioner in RCAP), asking if the Metis Nation Accord would be a vehicle that the Metis in the East could use.

More from J Malone.

metismuseum.ca- New breed Magazine Winter 2006- Harry Daniels - order of Gabriel Dumont Gold- in the early 1980's as the president of NCC - He was the person responsible for putting Metis into the repatriated constitution. @Occamsfork @simon_gabe @ArnallLabrador @CrownIndigenous


Letter from Harry Daniels to Kirby Lethbridge of the Labrador Metis Nation. - explaining who he considered Metis constituents of the Native Council of Canada when Metis were inserted into the 1982 Constitution.

Metis social-political movement-by Lusty, Terry,1973- publisher- Calgary Metis Historical Society-Metis Associations- UNSI. - Union of Nova Scotia Indians

Volume 17 Issue 2 February - March 1975- Indian News - Native Women confront UNSI Board - Mr. Denny suggested that the Metis and Non-Status Indians set up their own organization.

More from Society

@danielashby @AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd I'll bite. Let's try to keep it factual. There's a reasonable basis to some aspects of this question, that it might be possible to agree on. Then there are other, more variable, elements which depend on external factors such as transport and energy policy. /1

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd First up, we know reasonably well how much energy it takes to propel a high-speed train along the HS2 route. We can translate that into effective CO2 generated by making some assumptions about how green the electricity grid is. /2

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd Secondly, we have a reasonable grasp of how much CO2 is going to be generated by building HS2 - there are standard methods of working this out, based on the amount of steel, concrete, earthmoving, machine-fuelling etc required. /3

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd Thirdly, we can estimate how much CO2 is generated by cutting down trees, and how much is captured by planting new trees. We can also estimate how much CO2 is needed to keep the railway running and generated by maintaining the track /4

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd We know how much CO2 is saved by moving goods by freight train on the lines freed up by moving the express trains on to HS2, rather than by truck. /5
Imagine if Christians actually had to live according to their Bibles.

Imagine if Christians actually sacrificed themselves for the good of those they considered their enemies, with no thought of any recompense or reward, but only to honor the essential humanity of all people.

Imagine if Christians sold all their possessions and gave it to the poor.

Imagine if they relentlessly stood up for the widow, the orphan, and the foreigner.

Imagine if they worshipped a God whose response to political power was to reject it.

Or cancelled all debt owed them?

Imagine if the primary orientation of Christians was what others needed, not what they deserved.

Imagine Christians with no interest in protecting what they had.

Imagine Christians who made room for other beliefs, and honored the truths they found there.

Imagine Christians who saved their forgiveness and mercy for others, rather than saving it for themselves.

Whose empathy went first to the abused, not the abuser.

Who didn't see tax as theft; who didn't need to control distribution of public good to the deserving.

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This is NONSENSE. The people who take photos with their books on instagram are known to be voracious readers who graciously take time to review books and recommend them to their followers. Part of their medium is to take elaborate, beautiful photos of books. Die mad, Guardian.


If you come for Bookstagram, i will fight you.

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Trending news of The Rock's daughter Simone Johnson's announcing her new Stage Name is breaking our Versus tool because "Wrestling Name" isn't in our database!

Here's the most useful #Factualist comparison pages #Thread 🧵

What is the difference between “pseudonym” and “stage name?”

Pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie stars,” while stage name is “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”

https://t.co/hT5XPkTepy #english #wiki #wikidiff

People also found this comparison helpful:

Alias #versus Stage Name: What’s the difference?

Alias means “another name; an assumed name,” while stage name means “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”

https://t.co/Kf7uVKekMd #Etymology #words

Another common #question:

What is the difference between “alias” and “pseudonym?”

As nouns alias means “another name; an assumed name,” while pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie

Here is a very basic #comparison: "Name versus Stage Name"

As #nouns, the difference is that name means “any nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing,” but stage name means “the pseudonym of an