We all know that there are total of 51 Shakti-Peethas, but do you know?

⚜️Not all the Shakti-Peethas are located in India.⚜️

Here are the 12 Shakti-Peethas that are outside India.

🌺1. Hingalaj Shakti-Peeth, Pakistan

Brahmarandhra of Sati fell in Baluchistan province of..

..Pakistan, which is 125 km away from the northeast of Karachi, Pakistan. This temple is located in a small natural Cave, where she is worshiped in a small round piece of stone smeared with sindoor (vermilion).
🌺2. Shivaharkaray Shakti-Peeth, Pakistan

Here the incarnation of Adhya Shakti, who killed Mahishasur, is worshiped. It’s located near Karachi of Pakistan. The eyes of Goddess Sati fell here. The Goddess is worshiped as "Mahisha-Mardhini".
🌺3. Sugandha Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

Shakti Devi Sugandha,also considered as Ekjata,is situated in Shikarpur,which is 20km north from Barisal in Bangladesh.The nose of Sati had fallen & here she is in the form of “Sunanda Devi Tara or Ekjata and Tryambak”appears as Bhairav.
🌺4. Guhyeshwari Shakti-Peeth, Nepal

This temple of Shakti is located near Pashupatinath Mandir in Kathmandu,Nepal. It is about 1 km east of Pashupatinath temple. Here, the knees of Sati had fallen, she is in the form of Devi Mahashira & Kapali appears as Bhairav.
🌺5. Dakshayani Shakti-Peeth, Tibet (China)

This Shakti Peeth is in the form of a stone slab near Kailash Mountain, Mansarovar, in Tibet. Here, the right hand of Sati had fallen, she is in the form of Devi Dakshayani (who destroyed Daksha Yajna), and Amar appears as Bhairav.
🌺6. Gandaki Chandi Shakti-Peeth, Nepal

This Shakti Peeth is in Muktinath, in Nepal, near the bank of river Gandaki. Here, the right cheek of Sati had fallen, she is in the form of Devi Gandaki-Chandi, and Chakrapani appears as Bhairav.
🌺7. Bhawani Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

This Shakti Peeth is famous as Sitakunda Chandranath; this Peetha is on the top of Chandra-Nath Hills in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Here,the right arm of Sati had fallen,she is in the form of Devi Bhawani & Chandrashekar appears as Bhairav.
🌺8. Jayanti Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

The left thigh of Sati fell in Kalajore, Bourbhag village, Near Jaintia-pur, Sylhet District, in Bangladesh. She is worshiped in the form of Jayanti Shakti, and Kramadeeshwar.
🌺9. Shravani Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

This Shakti Peeth is in Kumari Kunda, Chittagong District, in Bangladesh. Here, the spine of Sati had fallen; she is in the form of Devi Sravani and Nimish as Bhairav.
🌺10. Mahalakshami Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

On Sri-Shail of Jaunpur Village, 3 km northeast of Sylhet town in Bangladesh, the neck of Sati had fallen. Here she is in the form of Goddess Maha-Lakshmi, and Shambaraanand appears as Bhairav.
🌺11. Aparna Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

This Shakti Peeth is in Bhavani-Pur village of Sherpur, Bagura district in Bangladesh. Here, the Left Anklet of Sati had fallen, she is in the form of Devi Aparna, and Vaaman appears as Bhairav.
🌺12. Yogeshwari Shakti-Peeth, Bangladesh

This Shakti Peeth is dedicated to Kali and is located in Khulna of Bangladesh. Here, the feet and Hands of Sati had fallen, she is in the form of Devi Yogeshwari Shakti, and Chanda appears as Bhairav.

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दधीचि ऋषि को मनाही थी कि वह अश्विनी कुमारों को किसी भी अवस्था में ब्रह्मविद्या का उपदेश नहीं दें। ये आदेश देवराज इन्द्र का था।वह नहीं चाहते थे कि उनके सिंहासन को प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रुप से कोई भी खतरा हो।मगर जब अश्विनी कुमारों ने सहृदय प्रार्थना की तो महर्षि सहर्ष मान गए।

और उन्होनें ब्रह्मविद्या का ज्ञान अश्विनि कुमारों को दे दिया। गुप्तचरों के माध्यम से जब खबर इन्द्रदेव तक पहुंची तो वे क्रोध में खड़ग ले कर गए और महर्षि दधीचि का सर धड़ से अलग कर दिया।मगर अश्विनी कुमार भी कहां चुप बैठने वाले थे।उन्होने तुरंत एक अश्व का सिर महर्षि के धड़ पे...

...प्रत्यारोपित कर उन्हें जीवित रख लिया।उस दिन के पश्चात महर्षि दधीचि अश्वशिरा भी कहलाए जाने लगे।अब आगे सुनिये की किस प्रकार महर्षि दधीचि का सर काटने वाले इन्द्र कैसे अपनी रक्षा हेतु उनके आगे गिड़गिड़ाए ।

एक बार देवराज इन्द्र अपनी सभा में बैठे थे, तो उन्हे खुद पर अभिमान हो आया।

वे सोचने लगे कि हम तीनों लोकों के स्वामी हैं। ब्राह्मण हमें यज्ञ में आहुति देते हैं और हमारी उपासना करते हैं। फिर हम सामान्य ब्राह्मण बृहस्पति से क्यों डरते हैं ?उनके आने पर क्यों खड़े हो जाते हैं?वे तो हमारी जीविका से पलते हैं। देवर्षि बृहस्पति देवताओं के गुरु थे।

अभिमान के कारण ऋषि बृहस्पति के पधारने पर न तो इन्द्र ही खड़े हुए और न ही अन्य देवों को खड़े होने दिया।देवगुरु बृहस्पति इन्द्र का ये कठोर दुर्व्यवहार देख कर चुप चाप वहां से लौट गए।कुछ देर पश्चात जब देवराज का मद उतरा तो उन्हे अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ।

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