Celebrating 1million followers of #Powerofstocks a youtube channel by #SubasishPani


Collaborated with @AdityaTodmal

1. How to draw support and resistance?

• Spot the U-turns i.e. the bend in the existing trend.

• He explains the change in the polarity concept here.
Example 1: How to draw support and resistance on charts
The more any Support /Resistance is tested the more it becomes weaker
2. Inside Candle

• Trade the breakout of the baby candle with its H/L as SL

• Pyramiding is done at the break of the mother candle H/L

• Try this only to the top 10 Nifty stocks.
Inside Candle

• 15 min TF & above only

• Practice one setup multiple times.

• Probability of any set up is 75%.
3. Too many red/green days on a back to back basis means plan for a reversal

• Any timeframe when there are continuous red/green candles in a row can plan for an opposite move or consolidation in which case one can make the most out of it via option selling.
• After 4-5 days of single colored candle high chances of reversal.
4. How does Subhasish Pani trade breakouts?

• Look for BO post 12:30 pm

• During bearish breakdowns market should not spend time, as selling is usually fast and ferocious.

• Just deploy half qty first and in case if SL is taken out you loose on half qty only
Examples on breakouts on charts/stocks
• If price is waiting/staying near the resistance after getting rejected from that resistance multiple times then high probability of it to BO that resistance
5. What is a trend & how to find the top & bottom?

• Trend reversals can be captured by M and W patterns.
•Uptrend means HH & HL concept explained by Subasish beautifully

• Once buyers gets defeated, near the first support one can look for shorting opportunity
• Spot M near the top & W near the bottom after a trend.

• Avoid finding "exact" tops and bottoms.

• But you can be near the top or bottom and catch the moves.
• Merge the logic of Support and Resistance along with trend to identify buying or selling opportunity
6. Pointers on Price Action.

• In an uptrend market, never short the 1st pullback & vice versa.

• If a stretched upmove is visible, followed by a red candle don't short it.

• Wait for a green candle & only when the low of that candle is taken out one can initiate shorts
• In an uptrend after the first pullback wait for the fresh buyers to get defeated only then one can plan for shorting opportunity
• Only when the buyer loses then one can plan for shorts and in case of a gap down they would be eager to cover their longs.
7. Expiry days are usually dojis

• When the market comes down on expiry, option sellers start selling puts that are inflated in value.

• When the market goes up the same way option sellers enter and sell calls.

• Hence there are dojis formation on most expiry days.
• Focus on whole and psychologically important levels

•Example of why he sold a straddle during high IV
• In a negative sentiment, low probability of market closing on day high
• This set up can be used only during high IV scenarios and cannot be deployed during all expiries
8. May month expiry Subasish had predicted on Tuesday itself that Thursday we might witness an upmove.

The reasons for that upmove is described in the video below👇
Reference Source: https://t.co/00UjMLklpk
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Covering one of the most unique set ups: Extended moves & Reversal plays

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Post that the plight of the

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10WMA =

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