Dear Friends,

We have implemented the Price range scans to identify which are in the tight price range for the last few days. Use these scans along with the other scans like the Mark Minervini pattern(High momentum).
@krishchess @Techtrades365

- These scans can help to find out the stocks whose range is < 5% or 7%.
1. 3 candles price range below 7%
2. 5 candles price range below 7%
3. 10 candles price range below 7%
4. 3 candles price range below 5%
5. 5 candles price range below 5%
6. 10 candles price range below 5%
Why range is important?
When you enter into a trade, for setting up a stop loss if we get the stocks within the 7% price range then we can keep our sl with less than 7%.
- As per Mark Minervini, don't keep the SL with more than 8%.
Scans => price range

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One of the most successful stock trader with special focus on cash stocks and who has a very creative mind to look out for opportunities in dark times

Covering one of the most unique set ups: Extended moves & Reversal plays

Time for a 🧵 to learn the above from @iManasArora

What qualifies for an extended move?

30-40% move in just 5-6 days is one example of extended move

How Manas used this info to book

Post that the plight of the

Example 2: Booking profits when the stock is extended from 10WMA

10WMA =

Another hack to identify extended move in a stock:

Too many green days!


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