When respected Scientists resign over the false narrative... Take notice... and thank them.

Google Translated Letter from

Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner,
Department of Geosciences,
University of Tuebingen, Sigwartstrasse 10,
D-72076 Tuebingen Germany

Dear colleagues,
It was with the greatest astonishment, deepest concern, and indeed bewilderment, that I took note of the "7th ad hoc statement" from the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina on December 8th, 2020.
In my opinion, this paper is not worthy of an honest, critical-
weighing science oriented towards the service and well-being of man. I do not have any medical expertise. However, as a scientist committed to nothing but the pure truth, I take the liberty of speaking up. I feel very alarmed by several points:
1. On November 27, 2020, a group of 22 internationally recognized experts presented the following report on the PCR test, the linchpin of the "pandemic", for the Eurosurveillance magazine:
"External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results". Quote: "This highly questions the scientific validity of the test".
Also the serious remark: "Serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not
mentioned " (https://t.co/YLiCHUNmyM... c6Fo_YWjHQdBtB6PxVa1jGzdSo7ApI).
2. The PCR test is the basis for justifying the declaration of a "pandemic", and RKI, politics and the media report the positive test results as so-called "new infections" on a daily basis. According to the 22 independent experts, the test contains "
several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws". It is clearly stated:"the test (is) unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection".
Isn't it obvious that there is an extremely serious problem here that should actually shake the entire "pandemic"? For me it is incomprehensible why neither the Leopoldina nor other academies include this well-founded report and request or initiate a further,
thorough and scientifically clear clarification.
3. Based on this "pandemic", justified by an at least very questionable test, a global vaccination campaign is now to be started on an unprecedented scale; and that with unprecedented vaccines -
that have been developed at an unprecedented https://t.co/joIW0wXpF3 view of the first reported serious side effects and after warnings from well-known experts, it becomes clear that the completely new RNA vaccines have by far not been adequately tested, especially with regard to
long-term effects.

Why are the academies silent on such existential questions?
4. Problematic aspects of the Leopoldina statement are even named by the "Welt" in a devastating analysis (https://t.co/5fVO7a5FRP Desaster.html).
Quote: "The damage done by science officials is immense".
5. Incidentally, there are currently several statements by medical practitioners that are diametrically opposed to the Leopoldina paper. E.g. the chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Prof. Gassen,
that the now ordered hard lockdown will fail (https://t.co/dZzSESWryC... li.126568).
The infectiologist Prof. Schrappe explains the entire lockdown policy for
finally failed (https://t.co/gNxzOAOyZi... - vaccination_id_12780854.html).
6. I had hoped that the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, as an important sister organization of the National Academy of Sciences, would comment critically on the Leopoldina statement. Unfortunately, this has not yet happened. Aren't the academies the guardians of pure
science and also of the freedom of science?
Aren't the venerable academies particularly challenged in a science landscape that is increasingly influenced by third-party funding and the massive influence of powerful lobby interests (e.g. the pharmaceutical industry)?
Is it really the job of an academy like the Leopoldina to fuel the scare tactics of the media and politics?
7. Where is the previously common broad discourse with a balanced appreciation of the sometimes very contradicting statements made by scientists and doctors from various disciplines, lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, economists and philosophers?
Why is there no reaction from the academies when, in the last few months, voices from recognized experts (often of international standing) who articulate an assessment that deviates from the standard narrative, sometimes diametrically contradicting it, are ignored, marginalized,
even defamed, censored , and deleted on social media?
Why not a reaction from the academies when the constitutional right to freedom of science and freedom of expression, as well as other fundamental rights, are trampled underfoot? Has Germany learned nothing from history?
After the governments, when imposing a new "hard lockdown", referred to this, in my opinion fatal paper of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as on the basis of the points listed above, I decided after careful consideration to take the certainly unusual step,
as an expression of my personal protest to resign from the Academy of Sciences in Mainz.
I can't reconcile with my conscience being a part of this type of science. I want to serve a science that is committed to fact-based honesty, balanced transparency, and comprehensive humanity
Kind regards, T. Aigner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner,
Department of Geosciences,
University of Tuebingen, Sigwartstrasse 10,
Tuebingen Germany

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