In Genesis 15, right after God sealed his covenant with Abraham, God told him his descendants will spend 400 years in Egypt
God also promised that he would bring the descendants of Abraham out of Egypt with a mighty hand
Abraham didn't argue with God, he accepted God's verdict as

But he was smart
He told Isaac to keep far away from Egypt
As a young man, Abraham and Sarah had gone to Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2 to avoid the devastating effect of a famine
When they were about to get to Egypt, Abraham pleaded with Sarah to introduce herself as his sister
and not as his wife because of her beauty
(This was a half-truth but the intention was self-preservation and not faith)
When Pharaoh was told of Sarah's beauty, he immediately sent his servants to go and bring Sarah to his palace

(Collecting beauty is an obligation of royalty)
Abraham had no say in the matter
Pharaoh paid him Sarah's dowry and he collected it
Pharaoh became the legal husband of Sarah
Abraham prayed that God would somehow step into the matter
God did.
Pharaoh and his household were afflicted by a strange disease
Pharaoh called for his
His diviners told him Sarah had to go
Pharaoh sent for Abraham
Why did you lie?
Abraham claimed he was afraid for his life
Pharaoh wanted to be rid of the affliction
Pharaoh paid Abraham and Sarah appeasement/compensation offering
Abraham practically came out of Egypt

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#Ramayana #LecturesOnTheRamayana

In the past, we had a glimpse of Lakshmana's devotion towards Sri Rama, his brother and father figure.

However, it is interesting to note his unique relationship with Sita, especially as seen by from her perspective.

Thread below


We all know about the Golden Deer / Maricha incident and the way Sita influences Lakshmana to go in search of his brother.

Personally, I am unable to get 2 strong emotional points in one thread and hence, I will skip this incident for today.


In Sundara Kanda, when Hanuman meets Sita, she says the following

सिंहस्कन्धो महाबाहुर्मनस्वी प्रियदर्शिनः।
पितृवद्वर्तते रामे मातृवन्मां समाचरन्।।

Lakshmana, who has lionshoulders and strong arms, who is handsome, who takes Rama as his father & treats me as his own mother


ह्रियमाणां तदा वीरो न तु मां वेद लक्ष्मणः।
वृद्धोपसेवी लक्ष्मीवान् शक्तो न बहुभाषिता।।

Heroic Lakshmana, did not know while I was borne away. He is prosperous, foremost in serving elders. He is energetic and reserved in his speech like my father-in-law ..


He is a prince dear (to his brother).

These are from Sarga-38, shlokas 60 and 61.

There are 3 distinct points which I want to draw the attention of the reader to.

1. She also compares Lakshmana to Dasaratha much like how Rama did when he constructed the hut in panchavati


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