Post-Trump Career Thread 1/

BTW all GOP politicians who were on national stage in 2016, have developed a 'strategy' to survive the Trumpomess. They KNEW he will burn this down. They've all thought they had the perfect way to have a career beyond Trump. Here are a few examples:

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Some were Trump friends before his 2015 run for President started, and have remained with him until now. Like notorious serial pants-grabber & alleged attorney Rudy Giuliani.

When I say 'old friends', I mean these are criminals who need pardons
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Some opportunists jumped onboard early in 2016, but were smart enough to see Trump is setting up a kleptocracy, and JUMPED OFF before the inaugration to avoid all legal stench. Like failed Bond Villain, the Chrischristie
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Some with a spine, said No Trump and remained steadfastly away from him, not even appearing at the 2016 convention. Like then convention HOST Governor, John Kasich
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Some opportunists jumped onto the Trump train late (convention 2016) and hugged Trump ever since, hoping to take his voters into the 2024 cycle. But Ted Cruz is the most hated man in America, even this lunatic strategy won't make him President
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Some early Trump team members jumped off the ship the moment the big crimes became known in the FBI raid of Michael Cohen's office. But kept 'warm' hand-holding sessions with the eventual Inmate-In-Chief like political weather vane Nikki Haley
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While other Trumpomobsters had to go to prison to ponder their loyalty to Trump, repent, turn state's evidence, and release a book to spin their side of the story. Like Trump failed loyalist, career thug and alleged attorney Michael Cohen
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Other Trumpomobsters jumped off the ship when it became obvious Trump's crimes would become revealed. Turning on Trump and releasing an opportunistic book to try to appear the 'sane conservative' like career war monger John Bolton
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Others tried to steer clear from Trump, avoid him, but align just with his legislation and try to avoid his ire. All these were doomed to fail, because sooner or later Trump would turn on them. Like #MoscowMitch McTurtle
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Some carried water for Trump loyally up to the election, hoping for miracle win, or a Presidential pardon. As it became obvious those weren't happening, they suddenly turned and probably now are singing to the FBI, like Bill Barr
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Some obscure idiots joined suddenly out of the blue, remained bizarrely loyal & will go down with this ship. The only plausible explanation for Mike Pence's behavior is that his boss Vladimir Putin has ordered Pence to do all this
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Some were just hired help. They've filed their divorce papers and will take Barron and never visit Trump in prison, like the First Tramp #FLOTITS
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One total idiot who had been against Trump, suddenly joined his team AFTER the crimes were obvious. The political vacuum Lady G #LeningradLindsey has preserved old Tweets critical of Trump, in an insane hope the years 2018-2020 would be forgotten
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Only one Republican had the spine to stand up to Trump the one time it really counted: Impeachment. This makes Mitt Romney the true leader of the post-Trump era Republican party. He has his work cut out for him.
PS Post-Trump Career Thread

When Romney lost in 2012, the GOP ran an 'autopsy' on the campaign. They said then, the GOP need to appeal to women, to minorities, and embrace facts.

Then in 2016 GOP nominated Trump a sexist racist delusional imbecile spewing conspiracy theories
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Some jumped onto Trump train late, but then remained loyal. And used bizarre interpretations of Bible quotations to try to justify Trump's totally un-Christian behavior. Hey little Marco. That doesn't make you President 2024. It makes you a hypocrite
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Some decided to play both sides of aisle, true Trump loyalist, and simultaneous Never Trumper, in a calculated premediated con, run with their crooked husband, like the crooked path to hell, the Conway
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Some knew there is no political life after Trump, so they played Trump, ran the biggest crime heist in the history of humankind, under Trump's nose, with intention to vanish with the loot, before 20 January. Like kleptocrat mastermind Steve Mnuchin
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Some invested their whole political career on the gamble of a glorious War With Iran. Failed Pom-Pom Girl Felicity Pomposity had no idea that Trump's boss Vladimir Putin would veto any such war, because Iran is Russia's friend. So Pompeo is doomed
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Some echoed Trumpism via traditional media, while peddling miracle cures like Hydroxychloroquine to enrich themselves. Hell has a special level for the inhumane Lauraingrahams
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Some evolved a natural defense mechanism to deny reality.

PRESS: Sarah, did you serve as Trump's Press Secretary?

SARAH: No, not to the best of my knowledge
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Some are related* to Trump and held hostage by Trump's threat to drop them from Trump's will. That grip is lost when all of Trump's remaining assets are seized. The Hitler Jugend kids will be in prison in New York.

*Or to Gary Busey (Eric Trump)
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Some placed all their trust in the awesome power of the Saudi Bone Saw. Jared will find that even a Saudi Bone Saw won't cut the prison bars of his new home.

This Tweet brought to you by the SBSA the Saudi Bone Saw Association
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Some placed their bets on the pure power of a war criminal sadist mercenary army Blackwater aka Academi managed by their lunatic sadist brother Erik Prince. The education secretary sadist Betsy DeVos may find prison life 'uncomfortable'
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And some believed Trump was smarter than they were. As Trump's mental ability is that of an imbecile, we now know Louie Gohmert's mental ability must be less. He is genuinely a moron. The dumbest man in Congress

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Quick thread on Bannon guilty verdict

Note. Bannon's trial was NOT about Jan 6th - he WILL face that trial too. This was about Bannon stupidly attempting to conceal his crimes

Let's do a quick Thread

First. Understand.. we know the 2 dozen organizers, plotters, planners of January 6th. They will ALL go to prison, for at least a decade, most for Life. Including the few who get plea bargains in the Grand #Flippathon

Bannon is one of original

But today Bannon's guilty conviction is a BONUS for us. He becomes literally the first of the January 6th ORGANIZERS to go to prison. And as a bonus, this is EXTRA time in prison Bannon serves, above and beyond his role in January 6th because of this attempt to conceal his crimes

Then consider what a catastrophic calamity this is for Bannon. He FEARS prison. He begged Trump for a pardon. He RECEIVED a pardon. And this he did AFTER his pardon, so his pardon does not shield Bannon from these new convictions, and prison time

Then look at Bannon's absurdly stupid destructive behavior during this trial. That is a public record. When his ACTUAL trial starts for January 6th, Bannon will have a history of defying the law - convicted twice - that is part of his record making his NEXT trial WORSE

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This idea - that elections should translate into policy - is not wrong at all. But political science can help explain why it's not working this way. There are three main explanations: 1. mandates are constructed, not automatic, 2. party asymmetry, 3. partisan conpetition 1/

First, party/policy mandates from elections are far from self-executing in our system. Work on mandates from Dahl to Ellis and Kirk on the history of the mandate to mine on its role in post-Nixon politics, to Peterson Grossback and Stimson all emphasize that this link is... 2/

Created deliberately and isn't always persuasive. Others have to convinced that the election meant a particular thing for it to work in a legislative context. I theorized in the immediate period of after the 2020 election that this was part of why Repubs signed on to ...3/

Trump's demonstrably false fraud nonsense - it derailed an emerging mandate news cycle. Winners of elections get what they get - institutional control - but can't expect much beyond that unless the perception of an election mandate takes hold. And it didn't. 4/

Let's turn to the legislation element of this. There's just an asymmetry in terms of passing a relief bill. Republicans are presumably less motivated to get some kind of deal passed. Democrats are more likely to want to do *something.* 5/

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I hate when I learn something new (to me) & stunning about the Jeff Epstein network (h/t MoodyKnowsNada.)

Where to begin?

So our new Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was "longtime lawyer and confidant of...Robert Maxwell," Ghislaine Maxwell's Dad.

"Pisar was one of the last people to speak to Maxwell, by phone, probably an hour before the chairman of Mirror Group Newspapers fell off his luxury yacht the Lady Ghislaine on 5 November, 1991."

OK, so that's just a coincidence. Moving on, Anthony Blinken "attended the prestigious Dalton School in New York City"...wait, what?

Dalton School...Dalton School...rings a

Oh that's right.

The dad of the U.S. Attorney General under both George W. Bush & Donald Trump, William Barr, was headmaster of the Dalton School.

Donald Barr was also quite a

I'm not going to even mention that Blinken's stepdad Sam Pisar's name was in Epstein's "black book."

Lots of names in that book. I mean, for example, Cuomo, Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen - all in that book, and their reputations are spotless.
TradingView isn't just charts

It's much more powerful than you think

9 things TradingView can do, you'll wish you knew yesterday: 🧵

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

1/ Free Multi Timeframe Analysis

Step 1. Download Vivaldi Browser

Step 2. Login to trading view

Step 3. Open bank nifty chart in 4 separate windows

Step 4. Click on the first tab and shift + click by mouse on the last tab.

Step 5. Select "Tile all 4 tabs"

What happens is you get 4 charts joint on one screen.

Refer to the attached picture.

The best part about this is this is absolutely free to do.

Also, do note:

I do not have the paid version of trading view.

2/ Free Multiple Watchlists

Go through this informative thread where @sarosijghosh teaches you how to create multiple free watchlists in the free

3/ Free Segregation into different headers/sectors

You can create multiple sections sector-wise for free.

1. Long tap on any index/stock and click on "Add section above."
2. Secgregate the stocks/indices based on where they belong.

Kinda like how I did in the picture below.