18 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Initial Guidance Is Coming In

Not on Parler, I did not see this message a couple of days ago. I have stated again and again, I follow @GenFlynn and @realDonaldTrump. Their guidance is my command.

2) Here are the key points. We'll take them one by one.
3) "Now is the time for Patriots to stop standing BEHIND Trump" (emphasis added). I was absolutely stunned when I read that. Behind. He's our leader. But no. We must STOP being followers now. We must wait no longer. Deep breath. Okay...
4) "we now must stand up for...in front of...and beside him..."

For is not hard. In front of? Wow! Beside is amazing. He's just a man. We are men and women no different. We stand side by side beside him. But more, we must stand IN FRONT of him. I'd never have thought of that.
5) We must give him our cover. We know that in combat, cover is everything. Cover is life. As the enemy's bullets are flying, if we have no cover we die. Pure tactics. This is that moment when our great @POTUS needs the cover that only we can provide. We stand in front of him.
6) It is not possible for me to adequately describe what this command meant to me when I read it yesterday. I'll try anyway. No more waiting. Not even for guidance. I reached out. Silence in response. The statement stands. It is our time to stand in FRONT of our President.
7) @GenFlynn tells us, we must "fight our way through the deep corruption, greed and downright smugness and arrogance..." Let's number that:

1) Deep Corruption
2) Greed
3) Downright Smugness and
4) Arrogance

Where? "of the Washington establishment toward #WeThePeople."
8) Deep Corruption. Countless times, I've walked through the 100+ year trajectory of corruption since 1913 to 2016. It is not possible to describe or log the corruption that has opposed Trump from 2016 - 2020, nor that has suborned our election this year.
9) Countless times, I've indicated the role of the 1848 publication of The Communist Manifesto in all these matters. And more, and more evilly, believe it or not, the phenomenal work of Saul Alinsky. Stay with me.
10) Marx would have died with the fall of the USSR if it weren't for two factors. One was the CCP in China. They happily inherited the mantle of Communism. Moscow relocates to Beijing in 1991. The second was Saul Alinsky's work right here in hometown America.
11) The Deep Corruption in the Washington Establishment is paid for by China. It is fueled, driven, guided by Alinsky's Community Organizing shown in both Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. If we're going to stand in front of, let alone side by side with Trump, we must know this.
12) Corruption in politics creates vast wealth. Greed. When you control the levers of power, there are players, payers, with not merely millions, but vast billions of dollars ready to show up and pay. Pay for play. Greed. Who owns the levers of power, here?
13) @GenFlynn terms this greed in its execution, "downright smugness." Have you ever faced a cheater who defeated you by his control over the mechanisms of the rules, perverted? If you have, then you know the meaning of "downright smugness."
14) In my childhood I loved to watch Dudley Do-Right defending Nell against Snidely Whiplash. Can't you see Whiplash's downright smugness and arrogance?
15) Who among us could have dreamed in our worst nightmares that it would be the Washington Establishment's evil actions against #WeThePeope in 2020 the captured the spirit of Snidely Whiplash? We The People are now...Nell.
16) And We The People must now become Dudley. Do-Right.

We must now do right. We must step forward IN FRONT of our great President. We must provide him the cover he cannot provide for himself. It is on us, and we are now guided to do so.
17) Who is Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney? For one, he's NOT here on social media. I grieve that, but I respect his choice. He is, however, in media, alternative media, and here's his most important current guidance:

18) In advance of our work tomorrow morning, I will listen to this extraordinary interview yet again. I will take careful notes in my ugly hand writing and post them. Then, we'll follow General Mac's guidance point by point.
19) What I can tell you right now is this. Get out there. Get in front of POTUS and give him cover. Let everyone you know that his election for 2nd term WAS A LANDSLIDE VICTORY. Don't be shy. Here in social media, by all means. But EVERYWHERE!
20) Here are four facts to hold to:

2) The Battleground states were Stolen By Fraud.
3) But Fraud was NOT merely Fraud, it was Cyberwarfare.
4) Cyberwarfare is TREASON.

Let's work on the logic.
21) Most Americans have grown soft in the belly. We take our freedoms for granted and never confront our enemies within. Take a Ted Kennedy. Here's Chappaquiddick. No problem. The LION of Congress. Do you see? He was a murdering bastard, but we let him get away with it.
22) I call it smug complacence. It's not my problem. I just live my life, here free in America, and the big people do what they do, not my problem. Yeah, well, except at the vote. Smugly complacent voters empowered Murdering Ted his power. That's on us.
23) And that is what I believe @GenFlynn and General Mac are telling us today. We must stand up and step forward now. Joe Biden is China's child. He is Beijing's boy. With Chinese money behind him, he has stolen this election. His corruption is as sure as it is smug.
24) Our corrupt media, absolutely including FOX, has crowned him President Elect, sweeping every story of corruption and election fraud under the rug. Yet, the corruption story keeps coming back in spite of their efforts to suppress it.
25) What they don't say, yet, is that this election was stolen. They suppress that story, even still. And that, I believe, is what our guidance is today as patriots. We must stand up, step forward, and make everyone know we do NOT accept these corrupt election results.
26) I'll give you a small example from here in social media, yesterday. Some snarky Democrat was attacking me, and insisted that I of course must accept that Biden actually did win. I said no, the election was stolen. A couple of times back and forth, and I got blocked.
27) I was happy to be blocked! But that's not the point. My "friend," I assure you, was SURPRISED that I did not agree to a point he was sure would be unarguable. That's how far they've come in assuring their victory in their minds and hearts. It is that assurance we must attack.
28) Here are some far larger examples:

2) Federal Courts
3) State Legislatures
4) State Supreme Courts
5) Congress

These institutions will all be involved in the outcome. They will all get it wrong, no doubt.
29) Just look at SCOTUS. I've heard it told that they fear the riots might result if they even hear Trump's case. I have never heard them fear our marching on them if they FAIL to hear Trump's case. Riots? Riots should be an admission of guilt and weakness. Marching is righteous.
30) They do fear criminal rioting, but they do not fear righteous marching. Hmm. Perhaps we need to inform them as to what to fear. Righteous marching is FAR MORE dangerous than criminal looting and rioting. The government belongs to us. We can change it if we must.
31) In all this, there is theme within the silence that I'm hearing. Trump WILL NOT CONCEDE. To do so would be to lie to us, his people, and to fail his ultimate charge as President. He must secure our election. This election was more than merely defrauded from us.
32) This election's blatant perversion was a tactical salvo in treasonous cyberwarfare, executed by useful idiots in joint endeavor with the Chinese Communist Party. Blatant voter fraud transcending itself into treasonous cyberwarfare. These difficult thoughts are our mission.
33) As I've said, tomorrow we'll work through all of General Mac's guidance on point. Today I'm telling you that, if we're going to follow @GenFlynn's guidance to get in front of and provide cover for @POTUS, we need to work these points through in our minds. They're simple.
34) In 1776 King George wanted to control us without our consent. We said no. In 2016 the Democrats (and their Chinese overlords) want to control us without our consent. It is time for us to say no. Trump won in a landslide. Instead of Redcoats there are Dominion voting machines.
35) Be it here in social media, or there on the mean streets of Washington DC, it is now our time to stand up, step forward, and give Trump the cover he deserves. We now know that. No more waiting. We must organize ourselves to protect America Herself. Those are our orders.
Thread ends at #35.

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