How to think critically:

(mental models and logical fallacies)

Whenever possible, confirm the "facts."

"Fact-checkers are just fake authorities anointed by the media, according to fact-checkers." — @naval
Authorities can make mistakes.

Don't fall for the "arguments from authority fallacy."

"In science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts." — Carl Sagan
Survival of the fittest argument.

Always think of multiple explanations for an argument.

Then think of tests to disprove each explanation.

Whatever remains has a better chance of being right than simply sticking with the first idea.
Two mental models that fit here:

Occam's Razor: When faced with multiple explanations pick the simpler.

Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." In other words, there can be honest mistakes.
Debate all points of view.

"Be skeptical of the side of a debate that is less willing to try to see the other side’s point of view." — @sama
Be open to disproof.

Unfalsifiable ideas are not worth much in the grand scheme of the universe.

"It’s smart to take help of a pessimist to find blind spots in an idea you feel very confident about. That’s their only good use I've found so far." — @kunalb11
Choose knowledge over ego.

Just because an idea is yours doesn't make it right. Accept that others can and will find faults with it.

"The trick to viewing feedback as a gift is to be more worried about having blind spots than hearing about them." — @JamesClear

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