
This is how bullies operate, they will say you are to blame but not care about why! Mrs Dickson and her practice has misrepresented me for the last time.

It was her staff who were rude and hung up on me because it was 16:50pm and she was tired.

The fact is, for the what 20th time, holburn medical got my prescription wrong, the day before Christmas Eve after ordering well in advance.

I have anxiety disorder, they know this. I had every right to be annoyed and while I was firm but not aggressive or shouting.
Her receptionist told me for NO REASON to "stop shouting" even though I was just speaking. When I tried to say 'hey, I'm not shouting, I just am annoyed and want help' she hung up the phone on me.
I called back and tried to explain what happens to someone else, who was also rude. I explained and said 'look, I'm working tomorrow, I need to know this is sorted', to this the woman rudley snipped back with zero empathy "well, we are working too"... This blew my mind.
I was not calling their work into question and I was in no way trying to boast, I was just trying to get help but when I said 'won't, I'm not trying to be funny ' this second woman turned it into an argument and hung up! I was left awestruck at this treatment.
I called back again, and they instantly hung the phone up on me.I called again and said "I am recording this call, can you please stop hanging up on m for no reason and help me", it wasn't until I said this they dropped the aggression and rudeness and helped me!
Fun fact, I wasn't recording anything, it's against the law, but the fact that thought they were and them realising 'crap, was all that recorded' they finally helped and fixed the prescription.
I have anxiety disorder and due to the extremely bad treatment by Mrs Dickson and her staff whenever I have to deal with dr's my illness is amped up 100 times now.
The irony is that I've trained call centre staff for some of the UK's biggest ISP'S AND trained O2 staff go to speak with people and how to deal with complaints. (Something I'm very good at)...
Knowing what I know, I can say with utter conviction that literally anyone calling @SkyHelpTeam ,@TalkTalk or @O2 for any reason will be treated with more empathy and friendlyness than they ever will from the staff at Holburn Medical staff.
(It's hard to describe how this interchange on the 23rd almost ruined my Christmas. The staff led me into an anxiety meltdown which takes days to recover from and often leads to depression.

Doctors are meant to help yet holburn medical don't even understand empathy...
I just dread to think how many other members of the public have been made to feel like they have done wrong by Holburn medical group.

If I can I will be taking legal action. This has gone too far. I don't need them bullying me and messing with my head like this. @NHSGrampian
(Btw, I never had any issues with any doctors or any part of the NHS EVER before I moved to Holburn Medical group. It is not me with the attitude problem, all I want is help and an empathetic ear when I call my GP. Is that really too much to ask?? @NHSGrampian @NHSScotland )

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Hiring efficiency:

How long does it take, measured from initial expression of interest through offer of employment signed, for a typical candidate cold inbounding to the company?

What is the *theoretical minimum* for *any* candidate?

How long does it take, as a developer newly hired at the company:

* To get a fully credentialed machine issued to you
* To get a fully functional development environment on that machine which could push code to production immediately
* To solo ship one material quanta of work

How long does it take, from first idea floated to "It's on the Internet", to create a piece of marketing collateral.

(For bonus points: break down by ambitiousness / form factor.)

How many people have to say yes to do something which is clearly worth doing which costs $5,000 / $15,000 / $250,000 and has never been done before.