Yes, we are prepping up for tomorrow's session.

Our Bi-monthly PRAYER & INTERCESSION. 1st Edition in July.

Everyone needs that One Big Break. (O.B.B)

David had just one major O.B.B. and the rest they say is History.

1 Samuel 18:30 MSG
Whenever the Philistine warlords came

out to battle, David was there to meet them - and beat them, upstaging Saul's men. David's name was on everyone's lips.

This was David's 1st major Big Break.

Yes, God made it happen.

God created a platform for that purpose.

No one else could fit in.

All others that even
tried to could not.

The strongest and most qualified warrior in kings Saul's army could not fit in.

Even the high and mighty like king Saul too Couldn't not fit in.

Then came along the young lad, david.
It was his time & his turn.

The platform to shine was tailor made for him
He mounted the platform, killed Goliath and boom, he became famous.

Your platform is ready.

Your platform for that O.B.B. is ready.

God Himself will put you on it.

You are getting your O.B.B this weekend.

Join us tomorrow, Sunday, 4th July, at 8pm live in Facebook.


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Hiring efficiency:

How long does it take, measured from initial expression of interest through offer of employment signed, for a typical candidate cold inbounding to the company?

What is the *theoretical minimum* for *any* candidate?

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* To get a fully credentialed machine issued to you
* To get a fully functional development environment on that machine which could push code to production immediately
* To solo ship one material quanta of work

How long does it take, from first idea floated to "It's on the Internet", to create a piece of marketing collateral.

(For bonus points: break down by ambitiousness / form factor.)

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