The Single Issue: A Thread about Microaggressions

I have a lot of friends and family who are single, many of them women. Sure, they might always or sometimes wish they had a good partner, but all of them are able to be happy, confident, and lead fulfilling lives as singles.

There's a stigma to being single in many circles, including or especially in Christian ones. Don't let ignorance or ignorant words destroy your capacity to enjoy yourself and your solitude!
These are some microaggressions that single women often endure.

After you've had a read, I'd love to hear from you about microaggressions you've faced so we can face them head on, together.
1. Being asked why she is single?

You wouldn’t ask someone why they were married so don’t ask single women why they’re single. It requires no justification. It requires no deeper understanding. Each person's circumstance impacts why they may/may not want to be in a relationship
2. Assuming a women’s singleness is of her personality

Women who are strong, independent or focused their careers or hobbies are often blamed for their single relationship status. They're expected to ignore those ambitions or interests in order to actively seek relationships.
3. Diminishing a woman’s success unless she’s married and has children.

Often women who excel in their careers or who pursue non-traditional paths are pitied and not celebrated because they aren’t married or don’t have kids. Their choices are important too. It is not less worthy
At the same time, women who choose to marry and have kids are just as empowered! The part that matters is respecting that people will make choices for their own paths.

Nothing in this world is by the book. It would be such a boring world if everyone conformed!
4. Offering unsolicited advice about being single or finding a partner.

No one wants to hear the "well-meaning" but often cruel advice and "solutions" to their singleness. It casts judgement and causes insecurity. Just don't do it to people.
5. Being afraid a single women will steal someone’s partner

Its unhealthy to project these fears on single women when the root of this line of inquiry is often insecurity in your own relationship. Being single is not a moral indictment so people to stop acting like it is
Once again, I'd love to hear from you about your experiences


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