Anonymous story #124

(ok you gonna love this one)
(jk it's a sad ending hahahahaha)
Assalamu ‘alaykum, hope you’re well bi’ithnillah ta’alah. I don’t even know how to start this 😂 so i’d joined this marriage whatsapp group thing [Don’t laugh pls🤧]
I thought hey, there’s no harm in trying different halal avenues right? Who knows, maybe my ‘the one’ could be hiding on this group waiting for me 🙈
So I made a marriage cv and sent it on there and within an hour, no joke, 2 guys sent their cv’s to my dad saying they’re interested 😂
I got a bit excited because I’ve had a few samosa runs before but nothing had happened. I thought, maybe this time it would be different
Out of the two proposals, my dad liked the 2nd guy, let’s call him M. He was my age, an Aalim, haafidh, had a good paying job, was even a writer 😱 I was like Subhanallah, full package, M already sounds like the kind of person i might want to marry ☺️
And then i read the last thing on his CV.... my eyes widened....’previously married.’ I turn to my dad and i’m like nope, nah, nada, not happening. No sir, I am not marrying a man who’s divorced
👀 Just kiddinggg 👀👀 Alhamdulillah, It didn’t bother me at all that he was previously married, neither did it bother my parents
They’re quite open minded Allahumma barik and that’s how they’ve brought me up too. I’ve always believed that a persons deen and character and how they are right now is what matters more than their past
So my dad arranged a meeting with M that week. I still remember it was a Saturday when they came and I was so so nervous. I wanted everything to go well, so i prayed durood and made du’a just to calm myself
I came down and M and his dad were sat in the front room with my family. I wear a niqab and i was too nervous to go in so i went into the living room instead and ate a ferrero rocher [don’t judge pls i was hungry 🤧]
(sksksksksksksks why do girls think this is a power move when she walks past so he can catch a glimpse but then she disappears again for the *suspense* 😂😭😂😭😂😭)
They talked for a bit and I heard my parents semi forcing M to eat samosa’s and tea which made me giggle, I was like my parents ahead being the typical in laws 😂
But then his dad said “oh no, he’s fasting.” I died a little inside 😭😭 i thought...wait...why was he fasting on a samosa run pls looool, 99% your potentials family are going to feed you!
(ok that is kinda weird tbh😭😂 like ok, I hardly eat but it's because I get so nervous I lose my appetite. This is a whole other level)
That’s a given, and my parents went through so much effort with all the fried food 😭 but still, Allahumma baarik to him. I was impressed even before seeing him 🙈
Anyways, i heard my brother escorting M to the living room and my heart started beating so fast i thought he’d surely hear it 😭
He walks in and i see him and my heart stops... he’s bald
Joke 😂 he was looking smart with a thobe and grey jacket and he seemed tall

(ma'am this is the 2nd time 😭you're playing too much😭😭)
Maybe around 5’10? I’m thinking, i’m a whole 5ft, that’s it, we’re going to look like a bar chart 😭
But anyways, my guy comes in, is about to sit on the sofa but then he sees me and i’m sat on the other side of the room on the other sofa

He’s half way through sitting down but he quickly gets back up and it looked so funny I had to stop myself from laughing 😂 i knew he must be thinking ‘wait do i sit here or do i sit next to her’ 😂😂

But he sat down on the other sofa and ngl my heart sank a bit because when he spoke 😭 I could not hear him so well, he was speaking so quietly and so monotonous too 😭😭 he didn’t even greet me. Nothing.

(broooo we had a no greet before, this is so weird. Guys pls make Salaam)
He went straight to talking about himself and what he does. Half the time I had to guess what he was saying by trying to lip read but I didn’t want to seem like a crazy person so i just kept smiling, looking at the floor and nodding my head 😂😭
We made small talk but he kept talking about all the books he taught and proceeded to name them all, the sheikhs he’d met and the books he had written. ALL WHILST TUGGING AT THE DIAMOND IN THE SOFA .... until it broke and fell off.

My guy literally picks the diamond up, says sorry, attempts to fix it then gives up and starts tapping the broken diamond on another diamond 😭😭😭

You know how sometimes you can kind of gauge what a person is like just from the vibes they give and how they speak? I was thinking you know, he might just be nervous and that’s why he’s just talking about himself and breaking my sofa

Until he asked if I wanted to know about his ex-wife. Before i could even say anything, he started telling me his whole 2 year marriage story and how he made so much du’a for 2 months for Allah to take him out of this heartbreak 😭😭
I mean you know, I’m okay with him telling me about why his marriage broke off, but he went above and beyond that by somehow always bringing the conversation back to his ex-wife 😭 I was like, but I don’t want to know how you and your ex-wife would take pictures 😭😭😭

I wanted to disappear and when it was over, M didn’t even say bye, he muttered a du’a that I didn’t hear and went 😭 After they left i told my parents no straight away. And even they agreed that he didn’t seem like the right match for me
I don’t know how it is in other family’s, but in our family, it’s a tradition to take a few days before you say yes or no to a proposal even if you’ve made up your mind. So my parents decided they’d call in a day or two
I was like that’s fine. Little did i know that 2 hours after M and his dad left, M would message my dad saying he doesn’t want to go ahead with the proposal 😂😂😭😭


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