You could look at the past week & reasonably think MAGA/Q folk MUST know it's over.

But the thing about conspiracy theories is that they never end: they morph into new theories while maintaining that they've ALWAYS been right.

For MAGA/Q, it's "the plan" - Let me explain.

Right now the narrative running through the darker parts of the Internet involves "The Storm."

The Storm is a conspiracy theory that ALL of this - the election loss, the rhetoric, the insurrection, the 2nd impeachment - are part of Trump's master plan to root out the Deep State.
You see, in Trump's infinite wisdom he realized he could never MAGA as long as there were traitors in his own party.

So he came up with The Storm as a way to know who was truly a believer in MAGA, and who was a RINO.

This has all been an elaborate trap to catch those traitors.
The Storm starts w/Trump discovering, many months ago, that the voting machines had been hacked by Bill Gates' associates.

Trump ALLOWED the votes to be flipped, but they have PROOF that Trump won 410 electoral votes.

Of course, he let them THINK they had won.
By APPEARING weak & disjointed, he encouraged the Dems to lash out and the RINOs to jump ship.

Even the departures from his admin were carefully planned to give the appearance of disorder so that ALL the traitors would think it was time to show their true colors and strike.
According to The Storm, what's next will happen on January 20th.

On inauguration day, w/the Dems & RINOs in one place, the US Army will arrest ALL the traitors at once.

Simultaneously, SCOTUS will reveal that they've had the proof of election fraud & declare Trump the winner.
With the traitors under arrest & the true winner of the 2020 presidential election declared, the Army will escort Trump back to the White House where he will welcome back all the Secretaries, aides & loyal MAGA who played their part in The Storm.
The Storm ends w/a list of all the state governors & lawmakers, media people & celebrities who will be rounded up for treason, culminating with mass executions of the traitors and the changing of US Law to allow Trump to be president for the rest of his life.
I'd like to think that this was idle fantasy, created by some truly twisted people, but unfortunately the Trump years have shown that this kind of thinking is commonplace among the MAGA/Q.

I've seen this narrative too many times to think it's fanfic.

They ACTUALLY believe this.
The saddest part of this is that on January 20th, when none of this happens, when Trump is booted from the WH, when the indictments drop --- they'll morph the theory again.

Anything but face the reality that Trump never had a plan, or any care for country.

More from Life

“We don’t negotiate salaries” is a negotiation tactic.

Always. No, your company is not an exception.

A tactic I don’t appreciate at all because of how unfairly it penalizes low-leverage, junior employees, and those loyal enough not to question it, but that’s negotiation for you after all. Weaponized information asymmetry.

Listen to Aditya

And by the way, you should never be worried that an offer would be withdrawn if you politely negotiate.

I have seen this happen *extremely* rarely, mostly to women, and anyway is a giant red flag. It suggests you probably didn’t want to work there.

You wish there was no negotiating so it would all be more fair? I feel you, but it’s not happening.

Instead, negotiate hard, use your privilege, and then go and share numbers with your underrepresented and underpaid colleagues. […]

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"I really want to break into Product Management"

make products.

"If only someone would tell me how I can get a startup to notice me."

Make Products.

"I guess it's impossible and I'll never break into the industry."


Courtesy of @edbrisson's wonderful thread on breaking into comics – – here is why the same applies to Product Management, too.

There is no better way of learning the craft of product, or proving your potential to employers, than just doing it.

You do not need anybody's permission. We don't have diplomas, nor doctorates. We can barely agree on a single standard of what a Product Manager is supposed to do.

But – there is at least one blindingly obvious industry consensus – a Product Manager makes Products.

And they don't need to be kept at the exact right temperature, given endless resource, or carefully protected in order to do this.

They find their own way.