1. Friends Of Earth!

These Are Serious Moments We Share! Remember Always That You Are Safe And Will Continue To Be Safe! This Waking Dream Is Not Unique To The Darkness And Light Clashing! Indeed, You Have Known Many Lives Where Duality Is Unknown.

2. But Here You Stand With Orders From The Darkness And Wickedness In High Places! Is It Any Wonder Those That Wish Your Planet To Be Under Siege, Are The Same That Would Hate An Archangel Of Light?

Never Give Up!  Do Not Allow Your Lives To Be Taken Away By Agreement!
3. Trust In New Beginnings And Trust In The Plan Of Light! There Will Be A Moment When You Will Protect Your Homes And Families! You Will Never Need To Barricade Yourself Indoors For Breathing Air That Is The Same Inside And Out!
4. Have You Noticed The Absurdity Of Masking To Enter A Restaurant, Removing The Mask And Then Noticing Nobody Replaces The Mask And Simply Leaves! Does Anyone Understand All Are Sharing The Same Air As They Enjoy A Meal?
5. Many Have Always Been Involved In Traditions Throughout The Waking Dream. You Do Not Need To Give Up Friends And Family Because A Clone And Group Of Darkness Beyond Your Imagination, State To You What Your Freedom Is!  Indeed, Their Moment Is Coming!
6. Liberation From Conditioned Adherence To Patterns Of Response Is Only Possible When The Masses Realize They Are Losing Their Countries And The Entire Planet Is Suffering From The Lies!
7. It Is True That Grace Shows Up Repeatedly In All Lives, But You Were Created To Take Action When You See Life Crumbling Before You!
8. Do You Call Yourself A Lightworker Or A Patriot? Do You Fully Understand Those In Many Dreams Have Sacrificed Everything So That This Dream Would Be Possible For You?
9. Those Of The Light Should Realize Coming Together In Large Groups With Signs Of Defending Your God Given Rights Is Only The Beginning Of What You Are Called To Do! No Person Is Forced! All Light Is Asked To Unite As ONE. What Does Your Freedom Mean To You?
10. You Only Need To Understand The Countries That Are Not Allowed To Speak An Opinion Without Threat Of Death! Life Is FREEDOM. Anything Less Is Not Life! You Get To Choose!
11. Now Are The Moments To Private Message, Plan To Meet, Make Signs, Phone Governors And Anyone In Control Of Your Laws!  POTUS Needs Your Assistance!  TRUTH Needs You!  Do Not Allow All To Fall And Then Complain That You Do Not Like The Result!
12. We Are Here And Have Done Many Things Behind The Scenes. We Need You With Us! We Will Be Walking On The Ground Among You As You March!

Indeed, This Planet Needs Help!  We Can Do This!
Join Us To Turn This Around!  ThankQ! +++

I Love You So!

@threadreaderapp unroll

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It doesn't happen because you want it to happen.

It doesn't happen because you made it happen.

It happens because you allow it to happen.


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