My problem with the enemy (and I refuse to give them a more nuanced name than that) is nothing ideological.

It's that they're crazy, evil, and a solidly double digits percentage of them are possessed by demons.

And thus, they're categorically unfit for power.

There's nothing I can discuss that'll make them stop being crazy, evil or demon possessed. No amazing argument that'll turn them around.

They just need to be resisted (and preferably actively suppressed) by whatever means are available, as a moral imperative.
They feel the same way about me and anyone I sympathise with and any who claim otherwise are absolutely, 100% take it to the bank because it's as good as gold, lying.
You can't live with these people or negotiate with them. Pretty much the only time I recall them being even remotely tolerable was near the start of Brack Obama's presidential term.
That was an interesting time. "Oh hooray! Bush is finally gone! We can finally have fun again instead of being 24/7 butthurt about him in every available form of media. Hey, do you mind if we do away with Don't Ask, Don't Tell, it's a bit silly, don't you think?"
And near the end of the presidential term things had gone really violently downhill to "Yes, you should sacrifice your unborn child to Moloch and anyone who objects to that in any way whatsoever deserves to have their life ruined".
People were getting really sick of that bullshit near the end of Barry's second term, to the extent where you had things like Gamergate happening.

Gamergate is weird because your average person will go "What's a Gamer gate?" but the elite nurse that grudge to this very day:
It scared the shit out of them because they went "Hold on a minute. We're facing opposition, ORGANISED opposition! The fuck is this shit? This isn't in the rules. We were promised to only be opposed by isolated cranks. This is bullshit!"
The response of course was "Just keep doing what's pissing people off, harder" and then all of a sudden you've got a reality TV star with zero political experience as president, on an omnibus ticket of "You know what? Fuck these people!"
And things have just kept escalating from there.

OK, congrats. You managed to election fraud Orange Man out of the White House.

The people who voted him in are still there. They know they got ripped off. They now know the government is openly hostile to them.
Throughout all of this the thing I can't work out about the enemy is "What is your fucking plan from here?"

They've just got more crazy and dysfunctional and evil the whole time. And I can only conclude they are literally a bunch of cultists obsessed with chaos magic.

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Master Thread of all my threads!

Hello!! 👋

• I have curated some of the best tweets from the best traders we know of.

• Making one master thread and will keep posting all my threads under this.

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Got these scanners from the following accounts:

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2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191

4. Curated tweets on HOW TO SELL STRADDLES.

Everything covered in this thread.
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2. How to initiate
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