thread of NPCs / side characters

blanket permission to use these as prompts for art or fiction, to snaffle them for #ttrpg campaigns, etc, go right ahead! i might use them myself too, in future works!

ship captain who's bound to their ship and can't step a foot off it onto land or another boat - they can swim a little in the surrounding waters, but that's it
mermaid who makes a magical trade for legs on the exact same day their human lover makes a magical trade for gills
faerie divorce lawyer who gets called onto assist with a human friend's legal troubles

the opposition vastly underestimates the lawyer's ability to run rings around contractual obligation
group of brownies who recently have taken up residence in the warmest place in a human's house - the cabinet their games console is in
2 angels: one is a winged skater who does some truly incredibly tricks in the bowl; the other cannot bear to look because they just KNOW more bones are going to be broken today
witch that will grant your most heartfelt wish but only if you can beat her at Risk
late night bar and games shop run by a very tall, very scary vampire who can somehow make painting a figurine a very intimidating thing to do
tavern master who will only take payment via stories of your most recent adventures

the least interesting ones always seem to be the ones he craves most
headless horseman with ADHD who keeps forgetting where he put the his head down
ruling king who hires a servant to regularly whisper in his ear that he is just a man, as is traditional, but it turns out the king is kind of into it and it's making court appearances awkward
huntsman who has trod the same forests for many years and has formed a happy relationship with a local murder of crows, who join in on hunts for a share of the kill
dryad beekeeper who looks after hundreds and thousands of bees and her pellar gf who loves her very much and likes the honey and yes i trust you and yes i know your bees are very good but babe i am deathly allergic

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