I keep thinking that these are the latest in a long line of violehnt white supremacists. And how Whiteness erases its traces to seem seamless.

I only saw these photos of segregationists from the Civil Rights Movement era as an adult. https://t.co/j2YdXSBpXv

Of course I knew about CRM. I saw the the photographs of MLK, Malcolm X, of CRM leaders. We were taught at school (and not just in USA).

But I didn’t see photographs of white people so full of hatred and violence.
Even as early as 1970s visuals of White hatred and violence had been erased from mass media (or what counted as that). It was entirely all pervasive by the 80s when I got to NYC, as a teen.

Instead media relentlessly peddled images of Black and brown men engaged in violence
I remember being at NYPL and the the shock I felt at seeing images of violent hateful White people - not soldiers, mind you. I am from a former colony and we knew white colonialist violence well. But these images of ‘normal’ White folk.
Much of the backlash from big name White Women journalists against ‘Karen’ videos and images is because they know those videos visibilise White hatred and violence, specially of White Women and ruptures narratives of their innocence, exposes their collusion and participation
Even with all the evidence we have, daily White violence is invisibilised in the press, in mass media, in our cultural narratives.

Despite all the evidence, White cops killing Black and brown civilians are seen as anomalies, White terrorists as lone wolves/mentally ill
And that is what Jan 6th attack on the Capitol has laid bare: White hatred, White violence.

And the most important part for me is not the press photos. These invariably focus on the most eye-catching, attention grabbing visuals.
The most important ones - the ones we should REALLY ensure never go out of circulation and remain available for use for teaching are the ones taken by the insurrectionists themselves, of themselves and eachother. From Schmuck Jr’s video to various legislators to average citizens
Because it is in these images that the full horror of Whiteness is laid bare: their hatred of BIPoC, their joy in carrying out violence against them, and the entitlement to do so (the shouts of ‘our house’), their absolute confidence in impunity, and most/worst of all...
the Unshakeable Absolute White Innocence that ensures that there can be no doubt, ever, that their violence could be wrong, unethical, immoral
We need these images going forward. Not just as evidence of insurrection and crime but also as reminders of what we face, struggle against, myst vanquish if we are to survive.

We must find ways to keep these in our public knowledge and imaginary going forward.
End thread

More from Legal

1/ On Jan 2 we introduced Proud Boy Billy Knutson to the world. Billy said he was going to DC to "literally go Antifa hunting."

Well, Proud Boy Billy Knutson stormed the U.S. capitol with his fellow terrorists and participated in a failed coup:

2/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson placing himself at the scene of the failed coup in DC to overthrow democracy:

3/ From terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler in his own words:

PS: We see Texas Charter Plane 5 Jenna Ryan made the big time at the failed U.S. coup in DC

4/ FAIR USE claim: shows context in tweets

Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson's Parler video where you can hear him screaming, "Stand Back and Stand By Motherf*ckers!" while standing on the US capitol steps. Speaker says they'll be back on Inauguration Day.

5/ Terrorist Proud Boy Billy Knutson already lost his Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, & Twitter before heading to DC

However @Spotify & @YouTube continue to platform Billy Knutson, aka Playboy The Beast, a terrorist that participated in the U.S. failed
Last night TPD arrested and charged two known organizers, @DailyTacoma and our own @ohdamn_jam.

So many people acted quickly, and we were able to make sure they both made bail.

You can read @ohdamn_jam's account of what happened here

If you remember, back in August we were made aware that Pierce County diverted COVID funds to monitor us. We know for sure they monitored and reported on this account and anyone associated with it, such as @DailyTacoma

Side note: They were not read their rights until munch later.

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