I went from "shyest man alive" to speaking on stage.

If you're a man struggling with confidence, read this:

I was arguably the shyest man alive.

I feared rejection
I rarely spoke up
I barely made new friends or approached women

People told me to my face "why do you never talk?"

Today I've realized the root of why I was so shy (you may have a huge epiphany moment reading this)...
As humans, we have a strong instinct to be liked by the people around us.

You see, 2000 years ago roaming the earth in tribes, you NEEDED to be liked or else you'd get kicked from your tribe, and face the mountain lions, disease, & conditions by yourself (basically meant death).
My route to achieve this human instinct - to be liked, was speak as little as possible.

Other people take a different route - speak as much as possible.

But at the end of the day, we are all aiming to be liked.
Now, I knew the root cause... how did I overcome this lack of confidence?

1st - you must accept shyness does not serve you.

Once you fully accept this and are open to change, there are 7 keys I identified that helped me become confident.

Here are the 7 keys to confidence:
1. Journaling

Social anxiety is an incorrect thought pattern.

You need to rewire your thinking.

Every morning, write 3 things you're grateful for.

Day by day, you'll reprogram your mind from anxiety to gratitude.

In 1 month, gratitude will become your default mindset.
2. Intentional discomfort

Force yourself to do uncomfortable things.

Start small and push yourself more each time.

For me:

• I approached women
• I did a 5-min ice bath
• I faced my fear of heights

Soon you'll realize they're not so bad.

Your confidence will skyrocket.
3. Inputs

I turned CNN off.
I deleted Tiktok.
I skipped sad music.
I cut out toxic people.
I blocked haters on Twitter.

Negative inputs = negative mind
Positive inputs = positive mind
4. Study psychology

I studied influence & psychology from books like:

• Influence - Cialdini
• The Social Animal - Aronson
• Psycho-Cybernetics - Maltz, M.D.

This gave me the tools to be confident in conversation with anyone.
5. New self-identity

To truly become confident, you have to change your self-identity.

Never call yourself:

• Shy
• Loser
• Sack of sh*t

You'll embody the identity you give yourself.

So identify as confident.
6. Power list

Most men lie to themselves everyday (I'll wake up at 6AM, I'll start the diet on Monday, etc)

To fix this, I created a daily list of 5 tasks that take me closer to my goals

If I did the tasks, I WON the day.

So everyday I kept promises to myself through 5 tasks.
7. Lift weights

I made fitness a priority.

And in 12 months, everything changed:

• I benched 275lbs
• I saw my abs for the 1st time
• I took my shirt off at the beach

I now looked in the mirror and was proud of what I saw.

Confidence starts in the gym.
7 keys to confidence:

1. Inputs
2. Power list
3. Journaling
4. Lift weights
5. Self-identity
6. Study psychology
7. Intentional discomfort
P.S. Right now, I'm looking for 5 men who struggle with confidence that want to lose 20-40lbs in 90 days.

If you have 2.5 hours/week, you can do this.

DM me the word "Body" for details.

Click below to DM me "Body" 👇

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