This has to be said.

Classical Muslim scholars and jurists have categorized friendship with NON-MUSLIM into four levels and stages

1) Muwalat or Mawadda: This means to have close and intimate relationship and deep love and affection from one’s heart for a non-Muslim such that

it makes a Muslim unmindful of his faith.

This Mawadda is reserved only for Muslims; hence it is not permitted for a Muslim to have this type of friendship with non-Muslims. The verses of the Qur’an prohibiting Muslims from having intimate and close friendship with non-Muslims,
especially the first verse of Surah al-Mumtahina, is regarding this kind of relationship.

2) Mudarat: This means to express friendship and love only outwardly without having love for them and their beliefs internally. It is a mere outward expression of the first stage (muwalat),
hence it entails being pleasant, friendly, polite and kind towards non-Muslims. It involves expressing good manners, courtesy and good behavior towards fellow human beings.
This kind of relationship with non-Muslims is permitted, as it is reserved for all human beings, whether
Muslim or non-Muslim. This becomes even more important when the objective is to safeguard one’s self from potential harm, invite them towards Islam or when they are one’s guests. The verse of the Qur’an where Allah says “unless you [do so] as a protective measure [in order to]
save yourself from them” refers to this type of relationship. However, if one fears undermining his/her religious values, then this type of friendship will also not be permitted with non-Muslims.

3) Muwasat: This means to help, assist and benefit non-Muslims. It includes
charitable help and support, condolences and consolations, and removing harm, such as giving water to a thirsty non-Muslim or food to someone who is hungry.
This is also permitted with all types of non-Muslims except those who are directly at war with Muslims. The verse of the
Qur’an where Allah Most High says: “Allah forbids you not, with regards to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just” refers to this kind of relationship with non-Muslims.
4) Mu’amalat: This means to deal, transact and trade with non-Muslims. This is also permitted with all non-Muslims except when it is harmful to Islam and Muslims in general. (Culled from: Ahkam al-Qur’an, al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, Ma’arif al-Qur’an, 2/50-51,
Jawahir al-Fiqh, 179-193 and Ifadat Ashrafiyya, P: 11)

It is clear with the above four levels that according to Islamic teachings, to take non–Muslims as friends and associates, in general, is permissible. It is perfectly acceptable to express outward friendship towards them,
engage in business transactions and dealings with them, be respectful, kind, polite, considerate, smile at them, help them if they need assistance, and generally exhibit good manners towards them and be socially good to them. In fact, this is not only permissible but encouraged.
However, what is discouraged and prohibited is to have an extremely deep and intimate connection and a “free and careless” type of association which leads to and causes grave religious harm. Islam (and in fact every other faith) does not tolerate any compromise in contravening
its basic beliefs and laws.

By @Mufti_Muhammad_

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