1178 AD

Strategy! Bravado! Glory!


The narrative set by left historians about one of their favorite poster boys "Gh0ri" is that he went unchallenged upon entering the Indian subcontinent with one king falling after another.(1)
They conveniently deleted this event. Why? An agenda aimed at making us feel weak and inferior against the invaders in an attempt to glorify them. Simple strategy: To destroy a civilization tamper their history.(2)
Gh0ri defeated Prithviraj Chauhan at the 2nd Battle of Tarain in 1192 and laid the foundation of Delhi Sultanate. What is not well known is the fact that 14 years before he won this battle, he was defeated by the queen of Gujarat "Naiki Devi"!(3)
In 1173 Md Gh0ri had conquered the Ghaznavids in Afghanistan. A ruthless, persistent and deceptive Gh0ri was successful in conducting massive raids deep inside Indian territory.(4)
Gh0ri’s first invasions were on the states of Multan and the fortress of Uch. After capturing Multan and Uch, he turned southwards towards Rajputana and Gujarat.(5)
His target was the prosperous fortified town of Anhilwara. Present day Patan.(6)
Anhilwara at that time was the capital of the Chalukyas (also known as Solankis). According to American historian Tertius Chandler, the ancient citadel was the 10th largest city in the world in the year 1000, with a population of approximately 100,000.(7)
When Ghori attacked Anhilwara, it was under the rule of Mularaja II who had ascended the throne as a kid after the demise of his father Ajayapala.(8)
It was actually his mother Naiki Devi, who took over the reins of the kingdom as queen regent.(9)
Naiki Devi was born to Paramardin, king of Kadamba(present day Goa). Naiki Devi was married to king Ajayapala of Gujarat who ascended the throne of Gujarat in 1171 CE.(10)
King Ajayapala died in 1175 and ruled for only 4 years. After his death his son Mularaja II became his successor. The new king was a minor, so his mother Naiki Devi ascended the throne and effectively ruled on his behalf.(11)
Gh0ri was well aware that the Chalukyas didn’t have a king. He perceived the Hindu queen to be weak and easy to defeat as he had a much bigger army at his disposal but then he was daydreaming.(12)
Undaunted by the prospect of Ghori’s imminent attack, she threw herself into organizing a well planned opposition to the invading army.(13)
Naiki Devi sent out emissaries to forge crucial partnerships and request assistance from nearby provinces for help. While these kingdoms did not accede to her request, she did receive aid from Chalukyan feudatories.(14)
Realising this wasn’t enough to defeat the massive hordes of enemy soldiers she was dejected but ever determined now to take on the marauder on her own.(15)
Naiki planned a battle strategy that would even out the odds. She chose the rugged terrain of Gadaraghatta, an area on the foot of Mount Abu near the village of Kasahrada (modern day Sirohi district) as the point where she will intercept and engage Gh0ri's forces.(16)
The narrow hill passes of Gadaraghatta were unfamiliar ground for Gh0ri’s invading army, giving Naiki Devi an advantage by diluting the opposition's attack hence balancing the odds.(17)
So when Gh0ri and his army finally arrived, the warrior queen went into the battle leading her soldiers in a major counter offensive.(18)
The war elephants of Rajputs proved effective in fighting on hill passes. They effectively countered Ghori's famed cavalry which wasn't able to operate effectively in the terrain which the queen chose because it hit Ghori's primary military capability. Speed.(19)
The passes became red with the opponent army wilting under a dogged Hindu resistance.(20)
The Ghurid army started retreating from the battlefield. He never tried to invade India via Gujarat again using the more porous Punjab region 14 years later to face Prithviraj.(21)
Naiki Devi disappeared somewhere in the pages of history.(22)
Jain scholar Merutunga in his work "Prabandha Chinramani" mentions how Naiki Devi, the queen of Chalukyas defeated the armies of the mleccha king at Gadaraghatta near Mount Abu.(23)
Naiki Devi’s capital, Anhilwara or present day Patan, is also home to a beautiful stepwell called the "Rani ki Vav".(24)
This intricately constructed 11th century monument is a subterranean water storage system built by queen Udaymati to commemorate her husband king Bhimdev I of the Chalukya (Solanki) dynasty.(25)

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Many are upset at the bus attacks & Red Fort events during #FarmersProtest.
But have you paused to think what has brought about this situation? While magnifying impulsive actions by some protesters, do you miss to see State's systematic violence and erosion of rule of law?

If you are a believer in Constitution and legitimate processes, then the manner in which the Centre pushed the #FarmLaws & handled the #FarmersProstests should leave you distressed.

First, Centre brings these laws as Ordinances on subjects which are apparently in state list, through a colorable use of concurrent list. Principle of federalism negated, at least in spirit, if not in letter.

Then, bills are passed in Parliament without effective discussions.

No one can say for sure if the bills were actually passed in vote in Rajya Sabha. The whole process was brazenly dubious. The live telecast was stopped amid protests. Really shameful events.

So, lawful processes to address dissent undermined.

Then some farm groups approach the Supreme Court raising some pertinent questions on constitutionality. Instead of considering legality, court ventures into political thicket by attempting mediation, that too with a hand-picked committee having only members supporting #FarmLaws .

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(1) Kushner is worth $324 million.
(2) Since 2016, Kushner has connived, with Saudi help, to force the Qataris (literally at a ship's gunpoint) to "loan" him $900 million.
(3) This is consistent with the Steele dossier.
(4) Kushner is unlikely to ever have to pay the "loan" back.

2/ So as you read about his tax practices, you should take from it that it's practices of this sort that ensure that he's able to extort money from foreign governments while Trump is POTUS without ever having to pay the money back. It also explains why he's in the Saudis' pocket.

3/ It's why the Saudis *say* he's in their pocket. It's why emoluments and federal bribery statutes matter. It's why Kushner was talking to the Saudi Crown Prince the day before the murdered Washington Post journalist was taken. It's why the Trump administration now does nothing.