@Perduesenate @marcorubio You've believed the Big Lie that Democrats "will destroy America with socialism."

I understand. I believed it too.

It's time to start asking yourself whether it's true.

To find out, we only need a quick tour of history.


@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio We only need to start asking questions.

So let's do it.

1) Has there ever been a time when Democrats controlled American government?

2) If so, did those Democrats come close to destroying America with socialism?

The first question is easy to answer.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio We've had many Democratic Presidents in the past. To keep it relevant, let's concentrate on the past 40 years, or the lifetime of the average American.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan -- a Republican -- was elected President. For most of the next 8 years, we had a booming economy.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio So far, so good.

His Vice-President, George H W Bush, took over as President in 1988, & was President until 1992.

During Bush's term, America slipped into a recession.

Because of this, Bush's Democratic challenger, Bill Clinton, was elected President of the United States.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio This gave Democrats an opportunity to destroy America with socialism, if that's what they wanted to do.

Is that what happened? No, in fact, during Clinton's 8 years, America's economy boomed.

SO much that we were actually talking about paying off the national debt...!

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio As crazy as that sounds today.

That's where we were, prospering as a nation, after 8 years of Democratic rule.

George W Bush took over from Clinton.

After 8 years of George W Bush, the economy began to collapse.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio We were teetering on the brink of a second Great Depression.

These are all historical facts.

So Bush does not seem to have been very good for American prosperity.

Then, in the midst of the crisis, Barack Obama -- another Democrat -- was elected President.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio One year into Obama's term, the economy reversed its downward course.

The recovery was slow and sluggish -- partly because Congressional Republicans would barely allow Obama to spend $800 in stimulus, calling it "wasteful" -- but it was in the right direction...

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio ...and the economy continued upward.

Once again, Democrats had the opportunity to "destroy America with socialism." Did they?

No, instead, they touched off the longest economic expansion in US history.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio In 2016, Donald Trump was elected President.

After 3 years of Trump, we have the largest job losses of any President since we first started keeping records in 1939.

So there's a pattern here.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio Bush I: Recession.
Clinton: Booming economy.
Bush II: Teetering on the brink of a second Great Depression.
Obama: Rescued economy, begins longest economic expansion in history.
Trump: Economy destroyed, greatest job losses ever recorded.

It's a clear pattern.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio And nowhere in the record is any sign of Democrats "destroying America with socialism."

I can't find it. Can you?

On the contrary, there's a historical record of repeated destruction, all right.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio But not by Democrats.

But what about the future? What can we expect from Biden?

Three different major economic organizations have spoken on the economic prospects of Biden's presidency.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio The nation's business economists (National Association of Business Economics) have said overwhelmingly 65% to 25% that Biden would be better than Trump for the economy.

Goldman Sachs officially stated that our economic recovery will be faster under Biden.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio And financial forecasting giant Moody's Analytics has said that the very BEST case scenario of America's economy and prosperity will be if Biden is President AND Democrats control both houses of Congress.

IN THAT EVENT -- the typical American household -- probably YOURS --

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio ...can expect to see their household income go UP, in REAL terms, an average of $4,800 a year during Biden's presidency.

So that's the scenario you voted AGAINST today.

You voted AGAINST a $4,800 a year raise for yourself and your family.

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio The fact is, you believed a story that certain people sold you -- as have many of us, INCLUDING MYSELF.

That was before I realized the facts.

It's not too late for you to make amends.

You can still urge your friends and family to vote differently today than you did...

@BrittTheBarista @Perduesenate @marcorubio Just because you voted against that $4,800 a year raise for the typical American household doesn't mean they have to, and it doesn't mean you can't still influence them to do so.


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