Not a slippery slope or sudden subversion: German medicine and National Socialism in 1933.

"On 29 July Deutsches Arzteblatt reprints the entire Sterilisation Act and comments:"


“Since sterilisation is the only safe method to prevent the inheritance of mental diseases and serious genetic disorders, the law must be looked upon as an expression of loving care for the coming generations, and as an act of altruism."
"The elimination of defective genes is not of itself sufficient to keep our nation healthy and energetic, for this purging of the common gene pool must be complemented by positive population measures."
"On 14 July the new administration proclaims the Sterilisation Act, entitled “Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Descendants.”
"Paragraph 12 instructs that the mutilating operation “must be performed even against the will of the person to be sterilised. The attending surgeon must request any necessary assistance from the police authority."
"If other measures are insufficient it is permissible to use direct force.” Insurance companies and “the one who has been sterilised” are to be billed for the operation."
"The law establishes genetic health and appellate genetic health courts, which are attached to civil courts and presided over by a lawyer and two doctors, one of whom is an expert in medical genetics."
"The law specifies a catalogue of “genetic illnesses” and lists psychiatric indications and alcoholism, among others. Physicians, registering every case of “genetic illness” among their patients, just like they register births, deaths, or venereal diseases..."
"...cannot withhold any information and must comply with all procedural requests. They identify patients to the genetic health courts for adjudicating the sterilisation act and are not bound to disclose the submitted information to these patients."
"Genetic health courts have subpoena power; their proceedings are secret—to preserve patient confidentiality and privacy."
"Also on 14 July the president of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Society, Professor Max Planck, sends a memorandum to the minister of the interior, which includes the passage:"
“Herr Reichsminister, I am honoured to most humbly inform you that the Kaiser-Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Sciences is willing to systematically serve the Reich in all aspects pertinent to the research on racial hygiene.”
Zoals ik al vaker heb gezegd: wie zijn hoop vestigt op academici en artsen om zijn of haar grond rechten te beschermen, komt bedrogen uit, zoals de geschiedenis ons meermaals heeft geleerd...
...en ons opnieuw leert, nu onze rechtsgeleerden, ethici en filosofen om het hardst schreeuwen om een vaccinatieplicht.
"Zealous doctors exceed government sterilisation quotas."

"In the first year of the Sterilisation Act Germany's genetic health courts received 84.525 physician initiated applications and reached 64.499 decisions, 56.244 in favour."
“Doctors competed to fulfill sterilisation quotas; sterilisation research and engineering rapidly became one of the largest medical industries. Medical supply companies made a substantial amount of money designing sterilisation equipment."
Medical students wrote at least 183 doctoral theses exploring the criteria, methods, and consequences of sterilisation.”
Within two years up to 1% of 17–24 year olds had been sterilised (for example, in Thuringia). Within four years almost 300.000 patients had been sterilised, at least half for “feeble mindedness” as evidenced by failing scientifically designed intelligence tests.
Waar een, tot op de dag van vandaag onbegrepen, massa-psychose toe kan leiden.

En ja, ik zie parallellen met de huidige situatie rondom COVID-19. Of ik nu wil of niet.

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