"I was born in 1921. There have been some incredible moments in the past century, but some years will always be etched in my heart. When I was 22 years old I was sent to Auschwitz. I survived the Holocaust."

Freddie Knoller writes for @TimesRedBox on #HolocaustMemorialDay

"My earliest years in Vienna were largely happy ones. I came from a wonderful, loving family. I was one of three brothers — we all played music and our home was full of happiness. But, I was also subjected to antisemitism"

"After the Germans invaded my home country of Austria this became unbearable. I still remember Kristallnacht — the broken glass and the beatings so many Jewish men received. It became clear that to stay was dangerous"
"My parents, in their fifties, believed they were too old to be the targets of the Nazis so they stayed in Vienna. They were wrong. The Nazis did not care if Jews were young or old, religious or secular. My parents were murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau alongside 1.1 million others"
"Eventually I joined a French Resistance group in southwest France, alongside non-Jews who risked their lives to stand up for what was right. But I was betrayed, tortured, and sent to a concentration camp."
In October 1943 I was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau — an indescribable place. We were tattooed with a number. I was no longer Freddie Knoller, I was 157103.

I survived concentration and death camps, deportations, and a death march. Six million Jews did not

"Every day I see the tattoo the Nazis gave me and remember that I was persecuted because I am a Jew. We must build a more tolerant and accepting society.

What happened to me cannot be allowed to happen to anyone, ever, for any reason"

"Today, on Holocaust Memorial Day, I share my story with you. I turn 100 in April. I will not be able to share my story forever. But the story must live on. People must know what happened."

"My ask of you today is simple — share my story and remember my family who were murdered by the Nazis. Learn the lessons of history. And build a future that we can all be proud of"

Freddie Knoller shares his testimony through @HolocaustUK


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When we lift the covers from our feelings
We expose our insecure spots
Trust is just as rare as devotion —
Forgive us our cynical thoughts
If we need too much attention —
Not content with being cool
We must throw ourselves wide open
And start acting like a fool

If we need too much approval
Then the cuts can seem too cruel

Right to the heart of the matter
Right to the beautiful part
Illusions are painfully shattered
Right where discovery starts
In the secret wells of emotion
Buried deep in our hearts

It’s true that love can change us
But never quite enough
Sometimes we are too tender
Sometimes we’re too tough
If we get too much attention
It gets hard to overrule
So often fragile power turns
To scorn and ridicule
Sometimes our big splashes
Are just ripples in the pool

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