So many people don’t realize that they have OCD because actual obsessive compulsive disorder is rarely talked about openly. So here are the basics: 🧵(thread)

I think that a lot of people forget that OCD is a mental illness, emphasis on the MENTAL. When it’s portrayed on TV, it’s always shown as a very behavioral disorder. And while it’s true that overt behavioral compulsions are part of OCD, they don’t begin to tell the whole story
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. That’s obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. The OCD cycle is the cycle of obsessions that lead to compulsions that lead to more obsessions that lead to more compulsions etc etc etc.
People with OCD experience intrusive thoughts (which become obsessions.) Intrusive thoughts are unwanted and invasive, and they’re generally REALLY disturbing. It’s a common misconception that people with OCD are exclusively concerned with tidiness and cleanliness. This is false
TW/ OCD subtypes

Intrusive thoughts can be about anything, but there are a few common “subtypes” of obsessions. These include harm OCD, self harm OCD, sexual OCD, pedophelia OCD, relationship OCD, contamination OCD, religious OCD, moral OCD, health OCD and “just right”
I’ve talked a lot about this before, but intrusive thoughts are ego- dystonic. That means that the things that people with OCD are worried about happening don’t align with their true values or intentions. In fact, OCD attacks the things you value most.

Next tweet: TW harm OCD
Ex: if I care about being a good person, my OCD might make me obsess over whether or not I’m morally corrupt. If family is one of my greatest values, I might have graphic intrusive thoughts about stabbing them to death. OCD is so distressing BECAUSE our thoughts are ego dystonic.
People with OCD are not at risk of acting on the things they’re scared of doing. Like I said, the thoughts are as distressing as they are BECAUSE they go against everything we want/stand for. But lots of people don’t understand that, which makes opening up REALLY hard.
Compulsions are attempts to get rid of obsessions. In essence, they’re anxiety behaviors. Compulsions may take the form of overt behaviors or covert mental “gymnastics.” The problem with compulsions is that they aren’t effective in relieving anxiety in the long term
Compulsions provide very immediate and very temporary, but in the long term they only strengthen obsessions and reinforce the obsessive-compulsive cycle. A lot of people don’t understand that compulsions can be mental, and thus are easy to go unnoticed.
Common mental compulsions include “self-reassurance,” checking bodily sensations, replaying memories, mental counting, and mental avoidance (“pushing away the thoughts.”) Even among people who know more about OCD, not everyone is aware of mental compulsions.
I guess the main takeaway here is that OCD is a very MENTAL disorder. It gets you stuck inside your head. It can be debilitating. I’ve heard therapists refer to it as the “doubting disease” because of the way it makes you doubt everything you care about. It’s always “what if?”
There is nothing about OCD that inherently involves cleaning or organizing. And even people who engage in cleaning and organizing compulsions suffer from the same obsessive-compulsive cycle. It’s still a mental illness. It’s still painful to cope with.
Please let me know if you have any more questions about what OCD actually is or how it can manifest. I’m happy to help in any way that I can. I just really wanted to put more basic and accesible information out there, because I think education is incredibly important.
Also important to note that severity differs and can also fluctuate over the years either its own or with treatment. So like, some people with OCD are so incapacitated at times that they can’t work or go to school, and some people experience little-to-no day to day interference

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You gotta think about this one carefully!

Imagine you go to the doctor and get tested for a rare disease (only 1 in 10,000 people get it.)

The test is 99% effective in detecting both sick and healthy people.

Your test comes back positive.

Are you really sick? Explain below 👇

The most complete answer from every reply so far is from Dr. Lena. Thanks for taking the time and going through

You can get the answer using Bayes' theorem, but let's try to come up with it in a different —maybe more intuitive— way.


Here is what we know:

- Out of 10,000 people, 1 is sick
- Out of 100 sick people, 99 test positive
- Out of 100 healthy people, 99 test negative

Assuming 1 million people take the test (including you):

- 100 of them are sick
- 999,900 of them are healthy


Let's now test both groups, starting with the 100 people sick:

▫️ 99 of them will be diagnosed (correctly) as sick (99%)

▫️ 1 of them is going to be diagnosed (incorrectly) as healthy (1%)


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This is a pretty valiant attempt to defend the "Feminist Glaciology" article, which says conventional wisdom is wrong, and this is a solid piece of scholarship. I'll beg to differ, because I think Jeffery, here, is confusing scholarship with "saying things that seem right".

The article is, at heart, deeply weird, even essentialist. Here, for example, is the claim that proposing climate engineering is a "man" thing. Also a "man" thing: attempting to get distance from a topic, approaching it in a disinterested fashion.

Also a "man" thing—physical courage. (I guess, not quite: physical courage "co-constitutes" masculinist glaciology along with nationalism and colonialism.)

There's criticism of a New York Times article that talks about glaciology adventures, which makes a similar point.

At the heart of this chunk is the claim that glaciology excludes women because of a narrative of scientific objectivity and physical adventure. This is a strong claim! It's not enough to say, hey, sure, sounds good. Is it true?

Whenever we chant a Mantra in Sanskrit, it starts with 'Om' and mostly ends with 'Swaha' or 'Namaha'. This specific alignment of words has a specific meaning to it which is explained in Dharma Shastra.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred syllable or sacred word. But Mantras r not just words put together,they r also vibrations.The whole Universe is a cosmic energy in different states of vibration &this energy in different states of vibration forms the objects of Universe.

According to Scriptures,Om is considered to be ekaakshar Brahman,which means Om is the ruler of 3 properties of creator,preserver&destroyer which make the is also seen as a symbol of Lord Ganesha, as when starting the prayer,it's him who is worshipped 1st.

'Om' is the sound of the Universe. It's the first original vibration of the nothingness through which manifested the whole Cosmos. It represents the birth, death and rebirth process. Chanting 'Om' brings us into harmonic resonance with the Universe. It is a scientific fact.

Therefore, Mantras are described as vibrational words that are recited, spoken or sung and are invoked towards attaining some very specific results. They make very specific sounds at a frequency that conveys a directive into our subconcious.