@janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 1/ The 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 government decided pediatric gender care in England would be a monopoly contract (a Labour minister, in 2008), despite all other NHS patients officially being entitled to a choice of providers, & second opinions on diagnoses & treatment, & gave it to GIDS, which has…

@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 2/…always advocated that trans minors & their families must have no alternative source of care, & subsequent Tory ministers have personally put their signature on renewals of it, and even personally rejected proposals for improvement that have been put forward by NHS England…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 3/…as a result of wider & public consultation. They & their civil servants listen only to GIDS on trans minors - it was GIDS advised against <18s being allowed #GenderRecognition in 2004, & since, on the basis that no one under 18 can be certain of their gender identity, just…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 4/…as many other staff at their trust wrote⬇️ to the press in 2002 (when the first instigator of this case, psychoanalyst Susan Evans was on staff too) that no trans people should be allowed that recognition but needed therapy…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 5/…to "cure" us instead. Yet GIDS proved incapable of defending its super-conservative protocol in court - no doubt because GIDS has always expected challenges to be from patients seeking care more like that elsewhere, arrogantly ignoring that services in countries where the…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 6/…challengers in this case have been operating in the past knew that only their approach was defensible from that direction, & worked with their patients rather than attempting conversion therapy by delay & frustration & ignoring #UNCRC, children's rights, not least to…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 7/…bodily autonomy. It is also on the English government that NHS England, despite being a co-defendant, wasn't in court, leaving no one there to speak for other vital services that rely upon the Gillick principles (which GIDS misuse since they deny parents the right to…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 8/…consent whereas Gillick is only supposed to be used when an <16yo refuses to involve their parents or parents disagree with the patient) in order to care for some of their patients. Could they not see the potential threat despite the lawyer acting for the claimants having…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 9/…a long history of anti-abortion & birth control cases & those backing his cases trying very publicly to use trans minors' care as a wedge issue in the US & elsewhere, or is the current English government - whose ideological backing largely comes from US think-tanks that…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 10/…are strongly anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-women's bodily autonomy generally, anti-NHS & anti-EU - secretly intending to travel in that direction too, after trans minors' care has been used as a wedge issue to open the way.

And was it down to 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 11/…government pressure that the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Children's Commissioner, legally responsible for protecting UNCRC rights, wasn't in court to speak up? Why does that government-appointed official choose to never speak up on the rights of trans minors under that UN convention, & under…
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 12/… EA2010, even when a threat to them is a clear threat to other minors too, & the UN oversight committee for that convention has been specific that trans minors are included in its protections, if anyone ever had any doubt?

Yes, the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 government is very much guilty on this.
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY 13/ And of course this ruling is oddly identical to the threat made by the Equalities Minister shortly after she'd met with The Heritage Foundation, whose ex-staffer serving in the Trump Dept HHS was attempting in court to have all protection for US trans healthcare removed 🤔
@73inlancs @janethooton_ @ErinInTheMorn @fifi_EY cc @threadreaderapp unroll SVP

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Now you know I love to sh-t in Harvard. But I also like accuracy. So I decided to go look at Harvard’s catalog to see its lack of military history that this article describes (they only teach history of pets it claims) and what I found shocked me! Shocked me! A thread: 1/

First off, Harvard students literally have multiple sections of military history that they can take listed. (It appears these ones are taught at MIT, so they might have to walk down the street for these) but... 2/

Say they want to stay on campus...they can only take numerous classes on war and diplomacy...3/

They have an entire class on Yalta. That’s right. An entire class on Yalta. 4/

But wait! There is more! They can take the British Empire, The Fall of the Roman Empire for those wanting traditional topics... 5/
Thread on how atheism leads to mental retardation (backed with medical citations🧵💉)

To start with, atheism is an unnatural self-contradicting doctrine.

Medical terminology proves that human beings are naturally pre-disposed to believe in God. Oxford scientists assert that people are "born believers".


It should be known that atheism could never produce an intelligently-functioning society and neither ever will.

Contrastingly, Islam produced several intellectuals & polymaths, was on the forefront of scientific development, boasting 100% literacy

It is also scientifically proven that atheism led to lesser scientific curiosity and scientific frauds, which is also why atheists incline to pseudo-science.

Whereas, religion in general and Islam in particular boosted education.


Atheists are also likely to affected by pervasive mental and developmental disorders like high-functioning autism.

Cognitive Scientists and renowned Neurologists found that more atheism is leads to greater autism.


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