Part two. Explaining where the plutocracy’s beliefs and values of treating people like pawns to be sacrificed at a whim originates.

It’s fascism.

💥NOTE: These threads are meant to be consumed in entirety, not just the first tweet.

What is the common characteristic of all fascist regimes?

Social Darwinism.

Fascists believe they are the epitome of human evolution or divine creation. They often credit god with bestowing cream of the crop status on them alone. But it’s based on Social Darwinism.
For a myriad of reasons, fascists believe they and they alone are the chosen people. They have been given divine permission to exert dominion over the globe and it’s resources, which includes all other people. There is little anyone can do to sway that opinion.
Social Darwinism was used to justify colonialism and the brutal treatment of indigenous peoples and dispossession of their land. All to enrich the plutocratic elite. It also justifies how the wealthy view the poor/workers as chattel to control & command at whim to make profits.
Social Darwinism is the rationale for human bondage. It goes back several centuries. Whether it’s rule by the fittest or control of human breeding for the best profits is irrelevant. The belief that some humans are BETTER than others is central to fascism.
That’s what defines “us” in the fascist power dynamic of “us” and “them.”

Many believe fascism was a 20th century invention. Not so. Fascism has been around for as long as war and patriarchy. We just labeled it fascism in the 20th century, using Roman dynastic symbolism.
That’s why fascists assert their beliefs are part of the “Natural Order” & make up the “Natural Laws” of the universe. They believe this is how god designed humankind. It’s their destiny.

Much of English Common Law is based on this assumption & on Ancient Roman Laws.
These beliefs and values justify slavery, women as property and veneration for the beliefs and values of a state religion. All individuals in a household are controlled and the exclusive property of the pater familias. These beliefs predate Christianity.
Whichever form of governance it takes, Social Darwinism is central to them all. Monarchy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Republicanism and even classical Democracy were based on the belief in Social Darwinism. All systems of governance are classist. Even Socialist & Communist.
Those in charge of governance are viewed as inherently better suited to govern than the average person.

Most of humanity has never escaped the patriarchal hierarchy & belief in superiority of a male’s divine right to power. With the class of wealthy men controlling governance.
There are exceptions. Socialism and Communism includes women as equals, but there is still a hierarchy of who is “us” and who is “them.”

Indigenous matrilineal societies are more egalitarian, but men are often who make up governance. With women being the subordinate power.
Humanity has never existed as an egalitarian species. Unless it was at some point in the ancient past before written records.

So, it’s no surprise that as human consciousness moves towards a more egalitarian civilization incorporating expanded suffrage, fascist leaders object.
That’s what we are currently experiencing globally. It’s no surprise the election of the first Black American president created a world wide backlash from fascists to reimpose fascism. But that is not what started it. A coordinated long plan has existed since 1950’s.
Fascists have chosen to rebrand and to cloak their ideology in more palatable jargon. Many have merged with and overtaken other parties. Or sent members to infiltrate established parties using entrism.
Entrism in Canada has happened frequently. Check screen shots.

The CPC is not actually conservative. They coopted the party in 2003 to use the well established brand. They’re actually fascists. They have always been fascists. Right back to their Social Credit roots.
The Alberta Social Credit Party history is based in religious fundamentalism. Evangelical Christians & Catholics influenced by US Southern state evangelical libertarians AKA the KKK. The American Civil war was treasonous fascists that attempted to destroy the US over slavery.
American centrist conservatives and liberals have pandered to fascists by legitimizing their political beliefs. Fascism is NOT a legitimate political system.

The US has continued to legitimize belief that some human beings are meant to dominate & others be subjugated.
The US has venerated the virtuous evangelical Christian male as the epitome of pious leadership. Allowing the Republican Party to be transformed from moderate conservatism to far right fascism and paleolibertarian ideology. Fascists have overtaken the party hierarchy.
Fascist political parties implement a hierarchy with one strong leader in control. This is a German concept of a leadership principle. Developed before World War One.

Trump, Kenney, Harper, Ford use Führerprinzip.
The concept of Führerprinzip is central to both American and Canadian political parties advocating fascist policies. Harper is Canada’s Führerprinzip. All other con leaders are junior to his power. Trump adheres to Führerprinzip, but he isn’t the main power. Is it McConnell?
For those curious where the phrase “the banality of evil” came from, it’s this leadership principle that inspired the coinage of the term.

When seemingly ordinary people adopt heinous policies or refuse to intervene, they’re following a Führerprinzip principle.
The majority of the people who adhere to this principle are not inherently evil or psychopaths. They are not mentally ill. They are not stupid. They are adults & completely capable of critical thought. They just have some incentive & opportunity to uphold fascist principles.
So what is the incentive? Wealth, power, ambition, fear, avarice?

It doesn’t matter.

Do you care why Kenney refused to implement a mask mandate? Would it make a difference? The point is he refused to protect Albertans. He allowed disease to spread rampantly.

It’s fascism.
This attached video inspired this two part thread. It’s brilliant & easily adaptable to Canadian context. In fact many of @InnuendoStudio videos are extremely informative, witty & transferable to the Canadian experience of fascist uprising. Please watch.
Fascism has existed for millennia. It’s foundation is Social Darwinism. Those who define themselves as fascists have no valid rationale other than they just want it that way.

Fascism did not end with Nazis. Neo fascists have just rebranded. Weaponizing COVid is “doing” fascism.
@threadreaderapp compile please

More from Sunshiny AKA Cassandra

This is one of the most important threads I’ve read in the last year. Maybe more.

@PaulDoroshenko hits the ball out of the park!

This is exactly what we need to do.

And remember, Harper stacked public service with loyalists. RCMP, judiciary, senate, government departments.

We need Denazification in Canada too!

There can be no tolerance for intolerance.

Many are opining about free speech. In Canada we have freedom of expression and it comes with some caveats. Harmful hate speech is not free.

We have been inundated with hate speech for decades.

It must stop. We must remove the fascists from power and eradicate the platforms they use to build support.

I’ve taught both my children by age 9 what fascism is and what it looks like. I can be done.

School based education is a must to nullify hatred.

But what about the adults? First we remove the ability to indoctrinate through the internet. Mainstream media needs to be purged of nazi sympathizers. And the internet needs regulation. Because some people cannot be trusted to refrain from hate speech.

You got a problem with restrictions on speech, take a look at the US where any form of speech is free. Lying, disinformation, promotion of hatred and psychological manipulation propaganda. And the result is January 6, 2021 attempted “patriot” insurrection.

Seems conservatives have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

How does it feel to the average Albertan to be considered second class? Apparently UCP, CPC and other conservatives across Canada are exempt from COVID public health orders.

I wonder if that means anti maskers are first class citizens? What about church pastors and parishioners? Are they first class status too?

But teachers, physicians, police, first responders, grocery workers, and every other Albertan is considered second class.

We don’t get exemptions to avoid public health orders.

What kind of government flouts law and order?

This is not explained by the confused and poorly informed “freedom” focussed Q’Anon and the fanatical Evangelical Christian’s who evidently can’t manage to worship at home.

These are fully informed political aids and politicians. Refusing to be limited by public health orders.
This was exactly what I was about to write a thread warning about.

A change in leadership in the US at the executive level does not alter the Republican Senators and Congress representatives. A few of whom are implicated in January 6, 2020 insurrection.

There will be a strong urge to forget the danger and the corruption.

After a long period of extended fear, terror and daily assaults on political and social norms, many will want to forget and move forward.

But we cannot take our eyes off those out to dismantle democracy.

Those breathing a sigh of relief, tomorrow this all resumes again in the US. It’s only temporarily paused in the US and correspondingly in Canada.

The urge to move on is strong. Resist it. Celebrate victories and achievements, but DO NOT walk away and forget.

Canadian conservative politicians are tightly connected to many of the Republican traitors who attacked the Capitol Jan 6.

None of them are going to give up. They’ll regroup. They’ll reorganize.

In the mean time, we are all required to stay alert. There is much to do.

The far right has let their agenda be known. They want to end democracy in US and in Canada. That goal is not off the table.

They will continue to pursue this agenda.

Yesterday 12 National Guard members were removed from service.

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