(PART 3) Angels - Izingelosi | Izithunywa of the 1st Sphere 🕯

[A Smallanyana Thread]

On Part 1 and 2, you will notice that we covered Angels that somehow also resemble human physical/ manifested features.

Part of the classic examples of how we as humans always depict these Celestial Beings through our works of art.
As we move up to the 1st Sphere of the Christian Angelology Hierarchy we get introduced to another breed of Izithunywa.

Let's Begin 📖

Also known as the Elders, they are a class of Celestial Beings mentioned by Paul the Apostle in Colossians 1:16, and they are also mentioned in the Book of Revelations as the 24 Elders.

They are the living symbols of God's justice and authority, symbolised as Thrones.
They are also associated with the Ophanim from the Jewish Angelic Hierarchy (Which we will still cover in detail within this series of Threads).

The Ophanim are referenced as Wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of the Chariot in Ezekiel 1:15 - 21.

Also refer to Elijah's ascension.
Daniel 7:9

"When they moved, the others moved; When they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the Earth, the Wheels rose along with them; for the Spirit of the Living Creatures (The Cherubim) was in the Wheels."
They are the Elders who listen to the Will of uMvelingqangi and present prayers of nations (👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽 The Ministry of Intercession on Earth is Governed by these Celestial Beings)

According to Biblical description of these Celestial Beings, they have 4 faces:

One of a Man
An Ox
A Lion
And an Eagle

Have 4 Conjoined wings covered with eyes (Although Revelations 4:8 describes them with 6 wings like the Seraphim), a lion's body, and feet of oxen.
The Cherubim, in the Book of Genesis, guard the way to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the Throne of uNkulunkulu (Ezekiel 28:14 - 16)
For additional study on The Cherubim, refer to:

Exodus 25:17-22, 2 Chronicles 3:7-14, Ezekiel 10:12-14, Ezekiel 28:14-16, and Kings 6:23-28

They are literally translated as "Burning Ones". The word Seraph (singular) is normally a synonym for Serpents when used in the Hebrew Bible. The same Serpent that had to be carved so the Children of Israel could be saved from the Curse of Snakes in the wilderness.
They are the Highest rank of Izithunywa and serve as caretakers of Mvelingqangi's Throne continuously shouting Praises.

On Earth they are directly linked to the Levite Ministry. Personally this brings so much grief to my heart because of how recklessly that ministry is handled.
The Ministry of the Levites, in the Jewish Tabernacle, was the most sacred and linked to the Seraphim and the Cherubim.

A Levite is a Jewish male descended patrilineally from the Tribe of Levi, the third of son of Jacob and Leah.
Their duties in the Temple:

- Singing Psalms in the Temple
- Performing construction and maintenance of the Temple
- Serving as guards
- Serve as teachers and judges
- Maintaining cities of refuge in Biblical times
Jewish & Christian Holy Scriptures dictate that the Ark of the Covenant be carried ONLY by Levites, who constituted the Ancient Jewish priestly class.

Many who serve in the Modern Day Church do not realise the seriousness of their Servitude, and how close it is to uNkulunkulu.
Before moving to Part 4 of this series of Threads I am compelled to write on the Levites in the Modern Day.

Masiyishiye la for namhlanje 🙏🏽🕯 Hope the knowledge expands your view further.

UNkulunkulu anibusise, anikhanyisele njalo 👑

More from For later read


#Cardano “Understanding Kamali”

#Cardano will be the underpinning of the emergence of Africa.

To grasp the full weight of the SOLUTIONS #Cardano can provide it is pertinent to read “Understanding Africa” as I will draw directly from the PROBLEMS laid out.


Here is a link if you have not already read


What I will attempt to do here, is to create an immersive world for you to be placed in to grasp the weight and size of problems from the ground level and then take a grass-roots approach at solving them using #Cardano and its technology.


As an investor and community member of #Cardano, this should be extremely important to you as you have a stake (pun intended) in this.

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In Africa, agribusiness, more than any other sector, has the potential to reduce poverty and drive economic growth. Agriculture accounts for nearly half of the continent’s gross domestic product and employs 60 percent of the labor force.
This response to my tweet is a common objection to targeted advertising.

@KevinCoates correct me if I'm wrong, but basic point seems to be that banning targeted ads will lower platform profits, but will mostly be beneficial for consumers.

Some counterpoints 👇

1) This assumes that consumers prefer contextual ads to targeted ones.

This does not seem self-evident to me

Research also finds that firms choose between ad. targeting vs. obtrusiveness 👇

If true, the right question is not whether consumers prefer contextual ads to targeted ones. But whether they prefer *more* contextual ads vs *fewer* targeted

2) True, many inframarginal platforms might simply shift to contextual ads.

But some might already be almost indifferent between direct & indirect monetization.

Hard to imagine that *none* of them will respond to reduced ad revenue with actual fees.

3) Policy debate seems to be moving from:

"Consumers are insufficiently informed to decide how they share their data."


"No one in their right mind would agree to highly targeted ads (e.g., those that mix data from multiple sources)."

IMO the latter statement is incorrect.

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