I'll not leave Riddlersworld. But I'll redefine the notion of riddler. A riddler is a person who doesn't know about specific dates and even about dates in general such as the year things will happen. He only knows, in general, some of the events that will take place,... 1/*

a kind of general history, a plot. In this sense continuing in Riddlersworld goes through an approach of minimums, taking riddlers as what gives an outline of some of the events that could happen at an always unknown date. 2/*
Sure, riddlers intend to convey the idea that they do know the dates, or at least the year, but they don’t know them. 3/*
Take 2020 as an example. At this point of the year you can make so many ad hoc statements as you like, but guys, 2020 clearly meant year 2020. 2020 was the year of the visible "outcomes". 4/*
On November 4, 2019 Mr Pool suggested that outcome of action Plan B is what you have been waiting = price increase. It should have happened in November and December 2020, as Plan B ended on November 7, so the outcome should be those months. 5/*
On January 13, 2020 he suggests a more restrictive statement, now what we have been waiting for happens during Action Plan B, not the Outcome. So during Plan B =2020, we already should have seen price increase, which is what people have been waiting for, nothing else. 6/*
Did you see anything? No. November huge price increase, but not what people was expecting at all. And now, you know where price is. Maybe they're in contact with someone who knows the future in some way? May be, but they don't know it and whoever knows it doesn't tell them. 7/*
Did you see something 16, 21, 30, good or bad Gregorian or Julian? No. Ad hoc reformulation when dates has passed: they wasn't dates. Yep, sure. 8/*
What about Christmas presents? It doesn't make sense in any possible world to post pictures of Christmas presents and the meaning has nothing to do with a fucking Christmas present. Or you're a psychopath, of course. 9/*
Ridiculous. 10/*
What about Trump? Did you see anything? Well, this could be on January 13 and then we can't object as clear as before against it. But the new approach suggests first assume he's wrong. So, for now, things look bad. This meant that. 11/*
And this. Nothing. 12/*
Nothing. January 13, 2021? 13/*
In any case, riddlers don’t know about specific dates, or about general ones, and sometimes not even about the events themselves. Their field is general and vague statements with a probability of failure close to zero. Every time they leave this field they fail miserably. 14/*
Did you see Ripple Riddler countdown to absolutely nothing? Well, or he was meaning that he leaves riddlering (dark) because now he works at Flare Finance making videos. Therefore, who I consider a riddler today? Mr Pool and BG123, that's all. 15/*
@threadreaderapp unroll Riddlersworld.

More from Enigma

XRP's death. Is XRP dying? 1/*

XRP is also known as the Phoenix, see Ripple's office. 2/*

What's the Phoenix? A bird that cyclically regenerates and it's associated with the Sun. A phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor (SWIFT). Read the link:
https://t.co/jIxANatetR 3/*.

Lately we're seeing a lot of SURPRISED faces in Mr.Pool drops. See what August 15 decrypted message says about the Phoenix, the storm and SURPRISES: "As the storm comes to a SURPRISING and unexpected halt, and the clouds clear out to your own SURPRISE". 4/*

So, if XRP is the Phoenix maybe it has to die before it reborns. Reset. XRP's death -or a big fall- alone, or death combined with reborn could cause such a surprise described in Mr. Pool drops. 5/*

More from For later read

I’ve been frustrated by the tweets I’ve seen of this as a Canadian. Because the facts are being misrepresented.

We’re not under some sort of major persecution. That’s not what this is. A thread. 1/8

This church was fined for breaking health orders in Dec. They continued to break them. So the pastor was arrested and released on conditions of... you guessed it, not breaking health orders. And then they broke the health orders. 2/8

So then he was arrested and told he couldn’t hold church services in person if he was to be released. He refused. He’s still in custody.

Here is my frustration as a Christian in Canada:

1. They were able to gather, with some conditions. They didn’t like those. 3/8

2. He is not actually unable to preach. He is just unable to hold church services because they broke the conditions given by the public health office in Alberta. He says he can’t in good conscience do that, so they are keeping him in jail (because he will break the law). 4/8

3. This is the 1st article of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” 5/8

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The UN just voted to condemn Israel 9 times, and the rest of the world 0.

View the resolutions and voting results here:

The resolution titled "The occupied Syrian Golan," which condemns Israel for "repressive measures" against Syrian citizens in the Golan Heights, was adopted by a vote of 151 - 2 - 14.

Israel and the U.S. voted 'No'

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Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and the U.S. voted 'No' https://t.co/1Ntpi7Vqab

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