If you're a college student who wants to pay off all your loans... here's an idea for you:

It takes ~$5k to start and will make ~$30k a year of profit

It won't get you rich, it'll pay for college.

(..and will teach them more about business than they’ll learn in school)

The idea isn’t sexy. But it works:

**Plastic Moving Bin Rentals**

Everyone knows moving sucks. The worst part is being stuck with 400 cardboard boxes at the end of your move.

Instead - @benmlevy told me about Gorilla Bins. They dropoff plastic moving bins, & pickem up later.
Let’s break it down. Our goal is to pay for college (~$30k profit per year).

To do that, I think we’ll need $50k in revenue.

The avg move (a 2 bedroom apartment) is $180

To hit our goal, we need do ~5.5 moves per week

How many bins do we need to buy up front?

5.5 moves a week x 50 bins = you need 275 bins. Let’s round up to 300 to be safe.

Ok let’s hop over to @uline to see how much these bins cost
Bingo. Bins cost about $15 a piece.

$15 x 300 bins = $4,500 initial startup costs.

Time to beg your parents or a rich aunt to lend you money to get the biz rolling (...or just take $5k of student loan money and invest it here…)
These bins are tiny plastic cash cows.

You buy the bin for $15. Each move, you're renting it out for ~$3.50 per bin

~4 moves and it’s paid off.

Over a 2 year lifespan, the bin will get rented out ~100 times, for ~$350 in revenue

That’s a 23x return on investment, per bin!
OK so what's the fastest way to start this?

People waste a ton of time on naming, branding, incorporating. We’re going to do ALL that stuff in an hour, for like < $300.
First let’s grab a name. Everyone’s moving to Miami nowadays (thx to @MiamiMayor) so let’s pretend we’re there.

We want a simple name. Like the moving company Two Guys & A Truck.

Bin Bueno?
The Miami Bin Company?
Miami Bin Boyz !

Name is available for $1/mo!
We don’t need a designer. Let’s grab a quick logo from namecheap’s free logo maker

Just type in the name and what it does..and it spits out some logos.

OK it gave us 3 options… I like #2 with the wave logo the best.
We’ll use UpCounsel to incorporate.

I hate overpaying lawyers for basic stuff.

If I'm getting sued. I'll pay top prices.
But for basic legal paperwork? Upcounsel baby.

$300 bucks for something like this.

Such a great business 👏 👏 @XavierHelgesen @SievaKozinsky
OK. We have a name, logo, and corporation.

We bought 300 bins, and branded them with stickers from @stickermule .

Now we just need customers (aka the hard part)
What’s our ad budget?

Well we’re shooting for $50k in revenue
$4,500 for bins
$500 for misc startup costs
~$8k in labor (pickup & dropoff bins) per year

If college costs $30k a year, that leaves you about $7k for a marketing budget.
The easiest way to get customers will be Google Ads, Yelp Ads, and offline stuff like flyers or partnering with moving co's

In most cities, there’s nobody advertising for the keywords “moving bin rental + [cityname]”

eg. miami, the company advertising doesn't even serve Miami!
And if you’re feeling ambitious:

1) Take this concept and franchise it to students in other college towns

2) add on a moving truck service to increase profits

3) or sell self storage leads to guys like @sweatystartup

For less than < $5k of startup costs, you’ve built a business that will profit >$30k a year.

You’ve paid for college, and probably will learn way more doing this than anything you’ll learn in the classroom.
If you like this kinda thing. Follow me @shaanvp and get my newsletter 💌https://t.co/hyXkTjKWSo.

I break down ideas & businesses like this every week!

More from Shaan Puri

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1/ I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new website, a one-stop shop for all the content I'm creating.

There you'll find links to all my podcasts, the TTMYGH newsletter, and other exciting future projects.

2/ In 2020, I reignited my passion for interviewing brilliant people by launching The Grant Williams Podcast in various forms, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, and The Narrative Game.

3/ Starting February 1, I'm taking the bold step of moving these podcasts completely behind a paywall.

For the very affordable price of only $10 a month, listeners can gain access to the Copper Tier of
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4/ Why am I doing this? First and foremost, I aspire to create VALUABLE content. By definition, if something is priced at $0, it isn’t valuable. The time, effort and creativity that goes into these episodes is substantial. To keep doing them properly, they can no longer be free.

5/ I also strongly believe content creators should be able to make a living creating content. If everything is free, that’s not possible. I never seriously considered accepting outside sponsors – complete integrity is too critical to me.
Ok here is the explanation. Grab a cup of coffee and read on. If you have not read/noticed this, you will see intraday options movement in a new light.

Say we have two options, one 50 delta ATM options and another 30 delta OTM option. Normally for a 100 point move, the ATM option will move 50 points and the OTM option will move 30 points. But in a high volatile environment, the OTM option will also move nearly 50 points

To understand why this happens, first understand why an ATM option is 50 delta. An ATM option has the probability of 50% of expiring as ITM. The price just has to close a rupee above the strike for the CE to be ITM and vice versa for PEs

Now think of a highly volatile day like today. If someone is asked where the BNF will close for the day or expiry, no one can answer. BNF can close freakin anywhere, That makes every option of an equal probability of being ITM. So all options have a 50% probability of being ITM

Hence, when a huge volatile move starts, all OTM options behave like ATM options. This phenomenon was first observed in the Black Monday crash of 1987 at Wall Street, which also gave rise to the volatility skew/smirk

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So our new Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was "longtime lawyer and confidant of...Robert Maxwell," Ghislaine Maxwell's Dad.

"Pisar was one of the last people to speak to Maxwell, by phone, probably an hour before the chairman of Mirror Group Newspapers fell off his luxury yacht the Lady Ghislaine on 5 November, 1991."

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MDZS is laden with buddhist references. As a South Asian person, and history buff, it is so interesting to see how Buddhism, which originated from India, migrated, flourished & changed in the context of China. Here's some research (🙏🏼 @starkjeon for CN insight + citations)

1. LWJ’s sword Bichen ‘is likely an abbreviation for the term 躲避红尘 (duǒ bì hóng chén), which can be translated as such: 躲避: shunning or hiding away from 红尘 (worldly affairs; which is a buddhist teaching.) (
https://t.co/zF65W3roJe) (abbrev. TWX)

2. Sandu (三 毒), Jiang Cheng’s sword, refers to the three poisons (triviṣa) in Buddhism; desire (kāma-taṇhā), delusion (bhava-taṇhā) and hatred (vibhava-taṇhā).

These 3 poisons represent the roots of craving (tanha) and are the cause of Dukkha (suffering, pain) and thus result in rebirth.

Interesting that MXTX used this name for one of the characters who suffers, arguably, the worst of these three emotions.

3. The Qian kun purse “乾坤袋 (qián kūn dài) – can be called “Heaven and Earth” Pouch. In Buddhism, Maitreya (मैत्रेय) owns this to store items. It was believed that there was a mythical space inside the bag that could absorb the world.” (TWX)