What is the Quincy Institute?
What was the purpose of its establishment?
Who is the Mastermind behind it ?
I’ll explain in the following that Quincy institute was founded by the most powerful and famous Islamic regime lobbyist @tparsi based in the United States of America .

1. @QuincyInst for Responsible Statecraft
An American think tank founded in 2019
Location: Washington DC, USA
The initial budget of this institution; Includes half a million dollars from the Soros Foundation (George Soros)
And the Cook Foundation (Charles J. Cook).
2- George Soros,Hungarian-American businessman and a Billionaire, investor, political activist, and an author.Soros is the Chairman of the Board of the Open Society Foundation and Soros Capital Management and is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Soros Capital.
3- Charles J.Koch, a businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the Chairman and CEO of Cook Industries.
He is the eldest child of Fr. Cook, the founder of Cook Industries, member of the Cook family and one of the main inventors of the new gasoline refining technology.
4- As described by the founders of Quincy; The purpose of the Quincy Institute (Research Institute and Office of Studies and Research) is to promote ideas to redirect the American foreign policy from endless wars around the world .
5- Especially in the Middle East, to robust diplomacy in search of international peace by promoting more dialogue so-called negotiations instead of wars, similar to Iran negotiations with Obama administration which resulted in the USA lifting all sanctions against Iran.
6- Founders of the Quincy Institute :
 • Andrew Biswich, Chairman
 • Ila Clifton, Senior Consultant, Administrative Officer
 • Suzanne DiMaggio, Chairman of the Board
 • Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
 • Steven Wertheim, Program Manager; End Endless Wars.
7- The Quincy Institute, in honour of John Quincy Adams, who was the Secretary of State at the time that mentioned in a speech in 1821; That the United States "should not go out in search of the enemies/monsters that Us would like and wants to destroy" .
8-The statement as such is the exact core values and ideology of these organisations think tank which they upheld proudly whilst they are based on US soil and they benefit from huge sums of found and donations by US citizens or by brainwashing the dual nationals who born in US.
9-It remains a mystery whether the goals of this think tank ( NIAC or Trita Parsi ) are exactly to end the US conflict in the Middle East, or whether @tparsi and @NIACouncil create a US based cult against the USA by promoting false narratives.
10- All members and advisers of the Quincy Foundation support NIAC in main stream media and in press or in different blogs which that way they legitimise themselves by creating other umbrellas beneath NIAC and creating an echo-chamber for their audience.
11- The focus of this institute ; is to divert American thinking, especially from the Western way of living or values, their main objective is to demoralising and brainwash their audience by these so-called thinkers with their soft and loving tone of voice (tribune) .
12- They ( Quincy institute ) believe that the US should not oppose the movements of proxy and destructive groups in the Middle East such as Iran proxies, because they believe that the Middle East has nothing to do with the United States of America .
13- The team of researchers, journalists, and university professors at the Quincy Institute are all are hardcore left-wing groups who believe that the United States should not conduct military operations outside its territory at all .
14- they also believe that US ; should disband and abandon all its military bases across the globe and US troops should return back home to the US as soon as possible.
15-Supporters of the Quincy think tank are Democrats, leftists, and conservative groups in the United States, almost all of whom have led and influenced the Islamic Republic lobby in the United States over the past decade as well as receiving orders from @JZarif .
16- Islamic republic’s prime minister @JZarif and the mastermind team behind the @QuincyInst planned this , and this way they are able to radicalise the youth and dual nationals who might feel same minded as them are the perfect target for the @NIACouncil and Quincy institute .
18- @NIACouncil And @tparsi They paved the way for the Islamic Republic and Mullahs in the United States .
19- in the following the website and the foundations who supporting the Quincy institute :
And some articles :

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महर्षि कश्यप की तेरह पत्नियां थीं।लेकिन विनता व कद्रु नामक अपनी दो पत्नियों से उन्हे विशेष लगाव था।एक दिन महर्षि आनन्दभाव में बैठे थे कि तभी वे दोनों उनके समीप आकर उनके पैर दबाने लगी।

प्रसन्न होकर महर्षि कश्यप बोले,"मुझे तुम दोनों से विशेष लगाव है, इसलिए यदि तुम्हारी कोई विशेष इच्छा हो तो मुझे बताओ। मैं उसे अवश्य पूरा करूंगा ।"

कद्रू बोली,"स्वामी! मेरी इच्छा है कि मैं हज़ार पुत्रों की मां बनूंगी।"
विनता बोली,"स्वामी! मुझे केवल एक पुत्र की मां बनना है जो इतना बलवान हो की कद्रू के हज़ार पुत्रों पर भारी पड़े।"
महर्षि बोले,"शीघ्र ही मैं यज्ञ करूंगा और यज्ञ के उपरांत तुम दोनो की इच्छाएं अवश्य पूर्ण होंगी"।

महर्षि ने यज्ञ किया,विनता व कद्रू को आशीर्वाद देकर तपस्या करने चले गए। कुछ काल पश्चात कद्रू ने हज़ार अंडों से काले सर्पों को जन्म दिया व विनता ने एक अंडे से तेजस्वी बालक को जन्म दिया जिसका नाम गरूड़ रखा।जैसे जैसे समय बीता गरुड़ बलवान होता गया और कद्रू के पुत्रों पर भारी पड़ने लगा

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विनता बोली,"सफेद रंग का"।
तो कद्रू बोली,"शर्त लगाती हो? इसकी पूँछ तो काली है"।