As things in the economy go from manipulated to ultra-manipulated, make sure you're ready for totally extreme changes. Although only a few companies are driving the stock indexes, they are heavily dependent on policy decisions and the aggressive addition of more fiat units into..

the collective global system. COVID policies, drastic changes in spending habits, lack of earnings power for the masses, are all likely to have a shocking liquidity experience to the system in the coming year. The amount of breadth at which the impairment will occur is nearly..
impossible to predict or forecast. The first chart I posted is simply demonstrating my opinion that the system is becoming increasingly unstable and the aperture for potential outcomes is widening. As policymakers respond to growing volatility (on a global level), their...
coordination is going to become more important, yet more difficult to achieve. I've mentioned many times before that the "printing" is becoming more and more competitive and has evolved into the ultimate 'Tragedy Of The Commons' situation where currency debasement is...
the "scarce" resource they are competing to insert into their own self-interested domains faster than their neighbors. Although one can expect dramatic credit impairment which can cause financial markets to crash in a fantastic fashion & in short order, policy responses will be
significantly larger than what we have seen previously. I suspect future debasement will attempt to insert new fiat units into the system via UBI, but unfortunately, additional UBI "printing" will also need to be complemented with QE to prevent rising interest rates. If a ...
liquidity shock hits traditional financial markets, I suspect it will also impact #Bitcoin in the short term. In those situations, promises to repay credit become impaired and the only way to replenish those units into the system is to "print" them into existence and distribute
the new units via QE and UBI. I don't suspect anyone can predict when such an event will occur, so simply hold tight and be prepared for the economic system to get even more violent in 2021. The # of Bitcoin units can't be manipulated so the new fiat units will find their home.

More from Economy

1/ Trend Factor: Any Economic Gains from Using Information over Investment Horizons? (Han, Zhou, Zhu)

"A trend factor using multiple time lengths outperforms ST reversal, momentum, and LT reversal, which are based on the three price trends separately."

2/ This resembles combining multiple measures of ST reversal, momentum, and LT reversal (forecasts determined by walking forward rather than using signs from the full sample).

Unlike normal moving average signals, these are *cross-sectional.* More below:

3/ Unsurprisingly, the Trend factor formed by this approach outperforms benchmarks in terms of both Sharpe ratio and tail metrics. It's combining momentum with two factors that are negatively correlated to it AND using multiple specifications.

More here:

4/ "Average return and volatility of the trend factor are both higher in recession periods. However, the Sharpe ratio is virtually the same.

"Interestingly, all of the factors still have positive average returns.

"Momentum experiences the greatest increase in volatility."

5/ "In terms of maximum drawdown and the Calmar ratio, the trend factor performs the best.

"The trend factor is correlated with the short-term reversal factor (35%), long-term reversal factor (14%), and the market (20%) but is virtually uncorrelated with the momentum factor."

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One of the most successful stock trader with special focus on cash stocks and who has a very creative mind to look out for opportunities in dark times

Covering one of the most unique set ups: Extended moves & Reversal plays

Time for a 🧵 to learn the above from @iManasArora

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Post that the plight of the

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Too many green days!
