December 2020 Let’s Go A Fishing
Theme: Voice of Hope
Location: Okitipupa, Ondo State
Date: Wednesday, 23rd of December, 2020


In the Name that is above every other name, you will never forget today.

I’ll give you one reason why you can never forget today, when we go a fishing like this, I normally would visit several places but your place is the first place we are visiting this time.

After the Congress, you are the first people we are having an encounter with.

I have no doubt at all, your time to fly has come.

I am delighted that the Almighty God arranged it in such a way that nothing has been able to stop our coming.

I have come to pray for you but before I pray for you, let me share a few words with you from
Isaiah 3:10

Say ye to the righteous, it shall be well with you.
Whether the Devil likes it or not, it’s going to be well with you.
Your tomorrow will be alright.

When somebody says it will be well with you, whether that statement is something you should take seriously or not, it depends on the one who is speaking.

For example, if you have a case in court and you go to the court early in the morning, and one of the cleaners sees you and says don’t worry you’ll be discharged and acquitted, you know he’s just wishing you well.

But if the judge drives in and sees you standing and says I remember your case, you will be discharged and acquitted today, you can start rejoicing.

The One who says it shall be well with you is the Almighty God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the One who speaks and it is done.

So I want to repeat one more time, everyone of you here today, on the side of the Lord, your tomorrow shall be alright.

To say all will be well can mean different things to different people. To the sick, all will be well, means you will recover.

That’s why I can decree, everyone of you who is sick, before the sun sets today, you shall be well.

When you say to the poor that all will be well, it means you are saying you are not going to die poor.

In the Name of the One who sent me, it doesn’t matter your present situation, you are not going to die poor.

I got a testimony three days ago, a young man had just been thrown out of his apartment because he couldn’t pay the rent for months. He took a picture of his loads outside.

He came to the Holy Ghost Service and heard a word of prophecy about somebody who couldn’t pay his house rent who will become a landlord, he received it. Within weeks, somebody gave him a whole flat.

I say to somebody here today, you will not die a tenant.

When you say all will be well to someone who is barren, you are saying you will soon have your children. That’s what God said to Sarah. Even when every doctor would have said to Sarah, forget it.

But as soon as the word of God came, the womb of Sarah, that the Bible said was dead, came alive, fresh power came to Abraham. Within a year, from a dead womb, a bouncing baby boy came out.

As the Almighty God lives, everyone here today, trusting God for the fruit of the womb, by this time next year, you’ll be carrying your twins.

If you say to a mad man or someone who is bound by the forces of darkness, all will be well, the meaning of that is God will set you free.

If there is anyone here suffering from yokes from all manners of curses, anyone whose progress is been hindered by forces of darkness, as Jesus lives, you shall be free today.

I need to point out one important thing to you now. That passage says “say ye to the righteous...”. It didn’t say, say ye to everybody.

Who is the righteous? The righteous is the only one that has surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter how good you think you are, unless you surrender your life to Jesus, you are not righteous in the sight of God.

Because the word of God says, all your righteousness, all the good works that you say you are doing, as far as God is concerned, they are all like filthy rags.

So, if you want to be among those who are righteous, your sins must be washed away by the blood of the Lamb. You must surrender your life to Jesus Christ so that He can save your soul, so that you can become born again.

So that you can become one of the righteous.
It is to the righteous that He says all will be well. So if you want to surrender your life to Jesus, if you want to qualify for all will be well, come now, come and surrender your life to Jesus.

Prayer Point
Ask anything you want from God. I appeal to you today, don’t ask for small things, I want you to ask for something big.


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