I want to let you know when I made the decision to launch @StrikePac & directly get into electioneering I realized I wasn't going to continue issuing "race ratings" & "forecasts" each cycle- OBV that's a conflict of interest!

The hostility & sexism of

2. that world, I have to be honest, makes it very easy to walk away- the misogyny in the top tier of the election analysis community outside of @Center4Politics folks who are awesome & also more accurate than anyone else is intolerable. I'll still analyze politics, political
3. events, issue commentary, write articles, run the pod, go on TV, and generally succeed in ways that drive those men nuts but no, I won't be putting out ratings or "forecasts" anymore. Now, lots of people are asking me "what's going to happen in 2022?" The Midterm Effect, the
4. the long standing pattern of the president's party losing seats in the Midterm happens virtually every single cycle. I believe there are 2 recent exceptions: post-9/11 in the 2022 midterms and 1998 post-Lewinski gate. What I'm trying to do in building @StrikePac is completely
5. redesign/overhaul/modernize & reshape the way that Dems currently approach electioneering. I want to build a new organization with the funds capable of coming into cycle's like VA's 2021 cycle and the 2022 midterm cycle and start to deploy these new methodologies into the
6. the field. These new techniques include an offense attack strategy that brands the Republican Party as an extremist party trying to end democracy, one that must not be given governing power. 1 that has adopted a #PartyOfNo posture- so allegiant to an ideology of "limited gov"
7. it stood by and did nothing as a deadly pandemic washed over our country, killing us by the hundreds of thousands. I want to attack the party's brand as the party of the economy. Why? BC over the past 30 the Rep Party has murdered the American economy & taken us from a global
8. leader to a global laughingstock. Their economic performance record is SHIT and @strikepac is going to make them own it for the first time. They get walk around w a straight face say "Ds have no message for the working class" w/o ever being challenged to produce their
9. accomplishments for the same. And when they are challenged?? 🦗🦗🦗. @strikepac is going to link every single competitve R w their extremist agenda & their extremist colleagues like MTG. Its long past time that someone met the GOP's own electioneers on the field w an effective
10. counterpunch, and @StrikePac intends to be there, fighting 🔥 with 🔥.

BC if we're not there? If the Ds go into 2022 with the same messaging & electioneering approaches they brought to bear in the 2020 cycle- they lost seats under ideal fundamentals?

Yes, Ds are losing!
11. One more thing. @strikepac will be run with a high level of transparency, far beyond what the law requires. And although I am the "public face" and fundraiser for the pac, I do not control the pac's money. I took that role and gave it to @LaurieSpivak & told her the reason
12. is that it matter to me ALOT that anyone that gives money to @StrikePac knows that money, as best as we can do with it, will use it to fight the GOP. Now, this is my new job! I am getting paid a salary to do it. Well, at least I will be if it succeeds! But unlike all of the
13. rest of these pac things, I've chosen to design this one so that I have a flat salary, commensurate with my last salary at the think tank (eventually, hopefully!) that is based on my role & expertise. I am not making a cut on donations. I am not going to siphon off earning
14. from ads or make the kind of consultancy fees that I believe everyone else involved in pacs make. And the reason I'm doing these things is bc I will never give the GOP or the Nate Silvers of the world ammunition to hurt our effort to save democracy & improve the lives of the
15. lives of the millions of Americans that are depending on Democrats not to lose winnable elections. People like Silver, who are only capable of thinking about their own bottom lines, will never be able to understand someone like, who makes the opposite calculation. This info,
16. plus a whole lot more on what we're doing, how we're going to do it, and more is heading to the new website which is in progress. If you've already supported the effort- thank you! If you want to now https://t.co/dP8ZQhs68F

More from Rachel "The Doc" Bitecofer 📈🔭🍌

Yes, actually that's kind of the problem these days.

All the 🔥takes will be shown to be wrong once the voter file data & analysis like this one w the FULL RESULTS get done, which is why I'VE NOT PUBLISHED MY 🔥TAKE IN NYT yet

We'll have to decide if we want it fast, or right

There is ONE STORY in elections right now and its education. Its not rural vs urban, or Black and White, Latino and White

Its educated versus non-educated

And its global

1. I'll add that it's very imp that Ds understand, crystal clear, this fact (that edu is the divide that rules all other divides). After Parscale's success in 2020 the GOP will now double down on their efforts to come after non-college educated, non-white voters bc now they KNOW

2. they're gettable. The 2018 and 2020 cycle were "feelers." No doubt donors and strategists were skeptical. Now they have the analytic proof and the $ will be flowing. This is one reason that I decided that I had to get into electioneering myself. Someone is going to need to be

3. there talking to these voters from the Left (and talking to them with effective messaging- for ex they don't give two shits about insider trading corruption) or you'll see even more erosion in the D's vote share among non-college educated non-white voters, I'm sure of it. Its
1. Yes, Trump will claim to intend to target GOP senators up for reelection in '22 (like he did to Thune with Kristi Noem) if they don't join in @HawleyMO's sedition on Jan. 6, but the fact is, it's not clear whether Trump will be successful in ANY of those efforts & voting yes

2. to hedge off these threats will also create fissures & fractures for these incumbents among other elements of their party that could complicate their renominations. Indeed, what worries me the most about the potential for the country to slip into @anneapplebaum territory is

3. that what should be robust and intense push back from the party establishment against actually ending democracy- bc that's what Trump's request would do, if it was granted, is fairly muted. What we SHOULD be seeing from the mainstream of the party is threats to strip committee

4. assignments, chairs, privileges, even reelection funds, if anyone gets involved in this bullshit- in the House & the Senate, and the fact that you don't see it is more than a story of McConnell & McCarthy being afraid of Trump & his base. Its a story of receptivity, of the

5. level of receptivity the congressional and party leadership is dealing with both within the rank and file membership of the party and within its donor class, and THAT, my friends, is why you find me so concerned. That, and my decision to finally pull @anneapplebaum's book
1. I think so. I don't think the issue are plans. The issue is that the ability of our govn't to function-to create & enact policy- has been seriously abridged the past decade to the point where it can't function. We've seen virtually no legislation this past decade & pretty

2. much none relying on just "regular order." Although the Ds spent almost a year trying w the ACA before giving up & using a procedural trick in the end. Keep in mind, McConnell changed the operation of senate so that all bills, ALL, had to reach 60 vote threshold in the senate

3. That was a MASSIVE change to the legislative filibuster (a massive abuse of it). It creates a super majority requirement for laws that the Framers didn't design. And given the issue of misrepresentation the senate, which is causing a Tyranny of the Minority, its really shut

4. down the federal lawmaking apparatus. If Ds flip these 2 GA senate seats, the legislative filibuster will be right back in the spotlight bc McConnell will use it to lockdown Biden's legislative agenda. And we'll have to see how Biden responds. I agree that Biden needs to give

5. McConnell an opp to change his behavior, but if he doesn't Biden will have to go w EOs or ending the legislative filibuster. Either that, or getting nothing done. The GOP will seek to do to him what they did to Obama- use control of the senate OR the filibuster to prevent

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"I lied about my basic beliefs in order to keep a prestigious job. Now that it will be zero-cost to me, I have a few things to say."

We know that elite institutions like the one Flier was in (partial) charge of rely on irrelevant status markers like private school education, whiteness, legacy, and ability to charm an old white guy at an interview.

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It's refreshing to hear a senior administrator admits to personally opposing policies that attempt to remedy these basic flaws. These are flaws that harm his institution's ability to do cutting-edge research and to serve the public.

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