Let me tell you a story about Sir Roger Bannister.

He was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes

Before Sir Roger, it was the mainstream GLOBAL belief that it was IMPOSSIBLE for the human body to sustain such speeds without breaking down ..

They thought the human body couldn’t physically go that fast – that it would literally collapse under the pressure.

Imagine going against a belief held by EVERYONE.

Everyone telling you that if you did this thing, your body would break down...

and doing it anyway.
"No-one can run a mile in less than four minutes.
It is impossible. You're crazy to even try!"

The 'experts' believed that the record could only be broken on a day with no wind, at 20 Celsius, on a hard dry clay track in front of a huge cheering crowd;

Ideal conditions.
May 6th, 1954 was no such day.

It was cold, the track was wet, and there were only 3000 people in the the Iffley Road crowd.

Bannister had rested for five days before because he’d reached his peak, both physically and psychologically.
Six men entered the race. Straight away, Bannister took the lead

Bannister began his last lap with a time of 3.07. He needed to do the last one in 59 seconds.

He flew past Chataway onto the last straight. He knew this was it.

The world stood still.
He was exhausted but, driven by the years of training and his determination, he crossed the finish line and collapsed – exhausted.

Bannister had finished in 3:59.4

He’d done it.

He’d broken the world record

He’d done what so many believed was impossible.
Over the next few years, more and more people broke through the four-minute mark once they realized that yes, it was possible.

So what's the lesson here?
Even if the WHOLE world believes something contrary,

if you feel it in your heart of hearts? - you have the absolute capacity to achieve the 'impossible'

Once the limiting belief was gone - many people broke the time. Once the spell was broken, people could be free.
Our lives are the result of our beliefs, limiting or otherwise.

If you aren't ever exposed to new realities or examples of whats possible, then its a lot harder to see what actually CAN be done.

The company you keep + your environment has a huge effect on you - through osmosis
The Lambros Society helps you to see what's possible in your life.

Hundreds of other people like you who are all working as one to break free from the limits they place on themselves.

Doing everything possible to no longer be just a number in the matrix.
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