12 Free but Extremely powerful Indicators in Trading View.

1. All patterns
This will read all the candlestick patterns forming in your chart. You can initiate trade when your favorite pattern forms.
Also contains description of every pattern.
2.Elder's Force Index (EFI)
It measures the power behind a price movement using price and volume. Can also be used to identify potential reversals and price corrections. It's Divergence indicates a reversal, see in the image attached.
3. Chande Kroll Stop
Denotes the SL for either a short or long position.
Red line represents the SL for a short position, whereas the green line represents the SL for a long position. It's calculation is based on Average True range.
4. Choppiness Index (CHOP)
It determines if the market is choppy (trading sideways) or not choppy (trading within a trend in either direction).
Higher values equal more choppiness (bad for directional traders), while lower values indicate directional trending.
5. Mass index
This calculates & shows the differences between high and low stock prices per candle. If its value increases suddenly, the chances of reversal become high.
See in this chart that reversal occurred after its sharp high value.
6. Up/Down Volume
It splits the volume values: Up Volume (calculated when the price went up) and Down Volume (calculated when the price went down).
If the Up Volume > Down Volume, aggressive buying going on : can go long.
Opposite for going short.
7. ADX
The Average Directional Index (ADX) determines the strength of a trend. If ADX is increasing, the trend is strong.
See this chart, how ADX was increasing throughout the fall of Nifty - guiding us to remain in bearish trade.
8. ADL
This is used to study market breadth. If the advance decline line is sloping upward, it means more stocks are advancing than declining.
If any discrepancy occurs between Market & ADL - high chances of reversal.
9. Key levels spaceman BTC
It shows you the important price levels of your stock/index in the same chart, which act as important S/R zones. See this image to get the idea
Those were the top 9 indicators. Three more indicators are remaining which you will get in your Twitter Inbox when you Retweet the first Tweet of the thread below

More from The Cnceptual Trader 🇮🇳

Here are 16 Free & powerful Scanners for Traders.


1. NR7 breakout scanner -
NR7 is a great concept using which you can identify the potential breakout candidates.
For details on NR& concept refer to this thread -
Here's the scanner -

2. Volume & price shockers -
This scans the stocks that have seen a sudden rise in their volume by over 2x times the average volume of last 10 days and have gained or lost more than 5% today.
Great candidate for breakout /

3. 15 min breakouts -
These stocks have shown a rise in both prices as well as volume in the last 15 min. High chances that they will continue the rally

4. Engulfing Candle scan -
This scans the stocks which are in extended up/down trend & have formed Engulfing candle now. They are a great candidate to take reversal trades.

Bullish engulfing - https://t.co/4pOosoeMsL
Bearish engulfing -

More from Catagory trading

You might be using chart patterns incorrectly if you've not seen this.

Data says 81% of people trade these patterns incorrectly, and you might be one of them.

Read now or regret later:: A complete guide on Top 5 chart patterns in this thread 🧵:

1/ Rounding Bottom:

Rounding Bottom or U Pattern or Saucer all are one and the same with different names and it is a bullish

2/ Cup and Handle:

A bullish technical pattern that is very popular in Technical

3/ Ascending Triangle:

Ascending triangle is created by price moves that allow for a horizontal line to be drawn along the swing highs and a rising trendline to be drawn along the swing

4/ Head and Shoulder Pattern:

It is one of several top patterns that signal an upward trend is nearing its
🧵 STOP wasting time searching for stocks.

Unlock the stock screener that makes it easy:

Check out the stocks that have broken through their 52-week highs on
https://t.co/qBvDaqyp9R. They are some of the strongest in the market, so be sure to consider technicalities when trading them.

You've definitely heard of Darvas. Here's your chance to put his strategy into action: https://t.co/bk82BA8MMF

Intraday lovers: https://t.co/7Y866T9bRt

Do you know that narrow range breakout gives a punching returns in short span- https://t.co/vYfluY3TEH
Here are 16 Free & powerful Scanners for Traders.


1. NR7 breakout scanner -
NR7 is a great concept using which you can identify the potential breakout candidates.
For details on NR& concept refer to this thread -
Here's the scanner -

2. Volume & price shockers -
This scans the stocks that have seen a sudden rise in their volume by over 2x times the average volume of last 10 days and have gained or lost more than 5% today.
Great candidate for breakout /

3. 15 min breakouts -
These stocks have shown a rise in both prices as well as volume in the last 15 min. High chances that they will continue the rally

4. Engulfing Candle scan -
This scans the stocks which are in extended up/down trend & have formed Engulfing candle now. They are a great candidate to take reversal trades.

Bullish engulfing - https://t.co/4pOosoeMsL
Bearish engulfing -

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Хајде да направимо мали осврт на случај Мика Алексић .

Алексић је жртва енглеске освете преко Оливере Иванчић .
Мика је одбио да снима филм о блаћењу Срба и мењању историје Срба , иза целокупног пројекта стоји дипломатски кор Британаца у Београду и Оливера Иванчић

Оливера Илинчић је иначе мајка једне од његових ученица .
Која је претила да ће се осветити .

Мика се налази у притвору због наводних оптужби глумице Милене Радуловић да ју је наводно силовао човек од 70 година , са три бајпаса и извађеном простатом пре пет година

Иста персона је и обезбедила финансије за филм преко Беча а филм је требао да се бави животом Десанке Максимовић .
А сетите се и ко је иницирао да се Десанка Максимовић избаци из уџбеника и школства у Србији .

И тако уместо романсиране верзије Десанке Максимовић утицај Британаца

У Србији стави на пиједестал и да се Британци у Србији позитивно афирмишу како би се на тај начин усмерила будућност али и мењао ток историје .
Зато Мика са гнушањем и поносно одбија да снима такав филм тада и почиње хајка и претње која потиче из британских дипломатских кругова

Најгоре од свега што је то Мика Алексић изговорио у присуству високих дипломатских представника , а одговор је био да се све неће на томе завршити и да ће га то скупо коштати .
Нашта им је Мика рекао да је он свој живот проживео и да могу да му раде шта хоће и силно их извређао