This is the second time in one week that I have to engage with something written by a British academic on their assessment of Brexit & Ireland. In this case @HelenHet20 in @NewStatesman 🧵

1. @HelenHet20 Europe’s vaccine crisis has revealed the true nature of the EU?? Ireland has been a member state since 1973, has had more refs on EU topics than any other country & thus its political & administrative elite knows & understands EU @BrigidLaffan
2. Said elite & electorate never idealised EU-small states are acutely aware of limits of their power & deploy capacity with care-the Swedes coined the term smart states. Small states understand they have to be smart. @BrigidLaffan
3. Since 24th of June 2016 Ireland has been shown unstinting solidarity from 26 EU states & EU institutions. During this time, its nearest neighbour tried to power it off the diplomatic pitch & kept thinking that It could peel Ireland off from EU solidarity. @BrigidLaffan
4. On the vaccine debacle & it was one the lesson the Irish will take is that having a seat at the table & voice matters-it took an Irish Taoiseach & Foreign Minister a couple of hours to sort this out. @BrigidLaffan
5. Assertion that Commission sees Northern Ireland as leverage is bot bourne put by the facts-Commission worked very hard led by @MichelBarnier to try to find a workable solution to border on the island of Ireland. @BrigidLaffan
6. As to describing Northern Ireland as a U.K. ‘geopolitical weakness’-well that is one way of putting it. I would rather see it as divided & vulnerable society that has experienced a traumatic violent conflict. It is not post conflict -just largely post violence. @BrigidLaffan
7. #Brexit greatly disturbs the delicate balances on island of Ireland & within Northern Ireland. Brexit was not made on Ireland & given historical context no London Gov should play politics with it & this is what @Conservatives have done @BrigidLaffan
8. As to Ireland becoming collateral damage in EU’s need to cover its own vulnerability-what an assertion!! Again misunderstands Ireland’s preferences & interests. Ireland is a member state & has always shared interest with its partners to protect the single market. @BrigidLaffan
9. Ireland may be small but it has state capacity & an ability to navigate a world of deep interdependence. Part of that is EU membership as an anchor but it is not limited to EU. @BrigidLaffan
10Might be useful to put oneself in shoes of a late 19th early 20th century Irish nationalist. If you told him/her that 100 year after independence Ireland would be a member of a treaty bound polity based on formal equality not dominated by the UK-would be seen as a great outcome

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Once upon a time there was a Raja named Uttānapāda born of Svayambhuva Manu,1st man on earth.He had 2 beautiful wives - Suniti & Suruchi & two sons were born of them Dhruva & Uttama respectively.

Now Suniti was the daughter of a tribal chief while Suruchi was the daughter of a rich king. Hence Suruchi was always favored the most by Raja while Suniti was ignored. But while Suniti was gentle & kind hearted by nature Suruchi was venomous inside.

The story is of a time when ideally the eldest son of the king becomes the heir to the throne. Hence the sinhasan of the Raja belonged to Dhruva.This is why Suruchi who was the 2nd wife nourished poison in her heart for Dhruva as she knew her son will never get the throne.

One day when Dhruva was just 5 years old he went on to sit on his father's lap. Suruchi, the jealous queen, got enraged and shoved him away from Raja as she never wanted Raja to shower Dhruva with his fatherly affection.

Dhruva protested questioning his step mother "why can't i sit on my own father's lap?" A furious Suruchi berated him saying "only God can allow him that privilege. Go ask him"
The YouTube algorithm that I helped build in 2011 still recommends the flat earth theory by the *hundreds of millions*. This investigation by @RawStory shows some of the real-life consequences of this badly designed AI.

This spring at SxSW, @SusanWojcicki promised "Wikipedia snippets" on debated videos. But they didn't put them on flat earth videos, and instead @YouTube is promoting merchandising such as "NASA lies - Never Trust a Snake". 2/

A few example of flat earth videos that were promoted by YouTube #today: 3/ 4/ 5/