12 Top Lessons From the Book “ Rework“

📗Book Review

1.Mistakes and Learning

📝Learning  from your success will always tell you what to do next, therefore it is important to understand that failure is not a prerequisite to success.

👉🏻When you learn from your mistakes, you learn what NOT to do.
2.Don’t let the past drive the future

❌You have to learn to go in new directions, because that is what suitable today.

✅ If you break your tasks into smaller tasks, you are much more likely to be accurate, compared to estimate something big.
3.Premature Growth means death

🌐See what feels right, small companies wish they were big, and big companies wish they were more agile.

❗ Premature growth is a death point, don’t grow for the sake of growing.
4. Don’t be a Workaholic

🗝️Workaholics create more problems than they solve. If you always work hard you don’t know what are considered to be real problems.

❌  Work hard when required, not all the time — you will burn out.
5. Let your customers miss you

🔎You want your customers to feel that if you stop doing what you do, then they will feel something is missing.

⚙️Build stuff you want to use, when you solve your own problem, you know how to solve it.
6.Don’t be a hypocrite and stay in control!

🎭Don’t be a hypocrite like these companies who say they are sorry to keep you waiting, but still put you on hold for hours!

⛔that think a robot is showing “genuine affection” is silly.
7. Worry about the necessities.

🔔Whatever you decide to do, ask yourself if its adding value. Value is about balance, will your “change” actually do anything?

⚠️ Don’t add unless it has a real impact on your product, and avoid throwing good time at bad work!
8. Work smart, and avoid interruptions!

👉🏻Some people work hours through the night when there is little or no interruption.

❗ You need to focus and for long periods of time.
9.Meetings, the right way…

✍🏻Meetings generally are so vague they never have a goal.

🟠Create a “JUDO” approach, this is when you find a simple solution to a complex problem, even if its not perfect .
10.Small victories

💪🏻Accomplish small victories along the way. When  you start small, get feedback instantly, and keep this process up until you go big.

🎯You can manage small victories by prioritizing.

🌀Be creative, and make the product about you.

❌ Do not copy anyone, focus on injecting what is unique about you into your product.
12.Take responsibility

✋🏼There is always people who will call you out on your flaws, hold your hands up straight away.

✔️ The highest person ranked should take responsibility and should address the issue promptly.
You can't improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.

• Make time for stillness
• Master over your mind
• Practice decision-making skills

Work on your mental models. Practice critical thinking

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Hope it was useful for you :)

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