9 Best Lessons From "48 Laws of Power" by Robert Green

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1. Always Say Less Than Necessary

The more you talk the more likely you will say something foolish.

- Ask questions and listen more
- Control what you reveal about yourself
- Avoid revealing your weaknesses to others
2. So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard It With Your Life

You can use it to intimidate and win.

But it can also kill you and the opportunities that present themselves to you.

Being unpopular and going against what's popular might seem cool, but it can harm you too.
3. Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument

Any triumph you gain through argument doesn't have much value, won't last long and is a waste of time.

The more you think about this, you realize how true it is.

Focuso on your actions.
4. Avoid the Unhappy and the Unlucky

Emotions can be as infectious as a pandemic.

Avoid people who portray themselves as victims. You won't be able to cure them, so don't sink trying to save them.

Surround yourself with happy and ambitious people.
5. Plan All the Way to the End

Think through every possibility that could prevent you from reaching your end goal.

Surprises can be harmful, and they can even kill your dreams. Ensure you have planned so no negative outcome can catch by surprise badly.
6. Think as You Like, but Behave Like Others

When consistently going against the public, you make them feel inferior. Learn to hide your true feelings and opinions to guard your reputation.

Of course, think as you like - but behave like others in public.
7. Never Appear Too Perfect

Don't show your weaknesses, but don't display yourself as being too perfect either.

This prevents envy from developing, and you make yourself appear approachable.

Learn to display harmlessness, and your enemies will show you their weaknesses.
8. Concentrate Your Forces

Conserve your energies by focusing them all on a single source of power.

Your energy is limited, and spreading it across different sources of power won't get the most results.

Find a singular source of power, and focus on it.
9. Recreate Yourself

Do not accept the role that society has given you.

Create your own character, demand attention.

Master controlling your own image, instead of letting others control you. But remember that overreacting is counterproductive.

Control your emotions.
Of course, there are 39 more of these lessons in the book.

But I hope you have enjoyed this thread.

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