With Philadelphia now up, the billboard photo thread that teaches those about #Bitcoin as an alternative to our broken financial system is complete

Those in the 12 Federal Reserve Bank cities who see them are directed to the thread below as copied from @BTCvsFED ⬇️

Not long ago, the dollar was backed by gold

This meant you could redeem your dollar for gold & the government had to have enough gold to match the number of dollars they printed

“The Gold Standard” ended in 1971 b/c the US ran low on gold & needed more $ for war & welfare
Without a cap on how much money could be printed, The Federal Reserve (USA’s central bank) was now free to create unlimited quantities of dollars

When the Fed prints money, inflation occurs & prices go up b/c all dollars are worth less
If your earnings don't keep up w/ the rate of inflation the purchasing power of your dollars melts away

Imagine the economy is a pizza & The Fed gives you a slice ($1)

When printing new money, they cut your🍕into more pieces to give out
Yes, you still have a slice ($1) but you’re hungrier b/c that $1 doesn’t go as far

Many Americans hold dollars b/c they can’t afford a home & w/ bills to pay they can’t risk the stock market

Meanwhile, the wealthy move $ into real estate & other assets that better hold value
This increases the wealth gap. Then, a pandemic hits. The Fed prints more money than ever before

The new money is given to select individuals and businesses. You wait for Congress to decide if you deserve a stimulus check
Those who receive the new money spend it causing prices to inflate before you get your money

This process where money flows more easily to insiders is known as the Cantillon Effect and it makes the wealth gap grow even further
So much trust is required in this financial system

You have to trust those in power to print money for the right reasons

You have to trust they distribute it fairly

And…you're supposed to trust their updates on how the economy is doing
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the go-to measurement for inflation. It tracks the changes in price of a set # of goods over time

But some argue the type of goods chosen hides the true rate of inflation

We know inflation is happening but how bad is it?
In addition to rising prices, inflation means businesses cut costs in other ways to keep up

They might shrink the portion size or use less healthy ingredients

There are so many ways this financial system can hurt you
What if you don’t agree w/ why money is being printed?

What if you don’t want to be last to receive newly printed money?

What if you don’t trust the data the government provides on the health of our economy?

Bitcoin gives you an out
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete - Bucky Fuller

Lots of protesting lately yet not much change. A protest doesn’t have to be in the streets. BTC brings change via your wallet
I made these billboards b/c institutions, Wall St and people w/ a lot of money are buying bitcoin causing the price to rise

I don’t want the average citizen to get left behind

You can buy or earn a small fraction of a bitcoin to start
Bitcoin restores power to the individual. No longer must you rely on banks to do the right thing when they’ve proven to be unreliable

You are part of a growing, global movement that brings about change by addressing the root cause of the problem
The thread pinned @BTCvsFED goes on to teach about how to get #bitcoin and what to do once you have it

This project was inspired by many including @iamthecharacter @aiww @gladstein @stacyherbert @bitcoinzay @aantonop @maxkeiser @matt_odell @RealRossU @MartyBent @RussellOkung...
@mrcoolbp @AlenaSatoshi @danheld @APompliano @chamath @nic__carter @jimmysong @pierre_rochard @lopp @nvk @JackMallers my Mom and many more

It was funded by selling prints of the artwork seen on the billboards

Appreciate any help in getting the word out. DMs open!

More from Bitcoin

1/ #Bitcoin FUD-busting time!

claim: bitcoin ownership is heavily concentrated.

@business published an article claiming "2% of accounts control 95% of all Bitcoin" 🤣

truth: the facts, my friends, simple don't line up. let's dive in!

2/ interrogating on-chain addresses is tricky.

address =/ account.

one person can control multiple addresses.

one address can hold bitcoin belonging to multiple ppl.

exchanges and trading firms will have addresses with large balances that represent client funds.

3/ the fine folks @glassnode published an excellent analysis of on-chain address balances in January

the ownership distribution of bitcoin among wallets is actually much more diverse than one might expect.

full piece here:

4/ 31% of BTC is held in addresses not identified as exchange wallets.

these are likely institutions, funds, custodians, and OTC desks.

our analysis at @CoinSharesCo indicates >15% of all bitcoin is held in third party custody, including @coinbase and our own @KomainuCustody

5/ in fact, between asset managers @Grayscale ($36B in BTC) and our @xbtprovider ($4B in BTC), 4% of bitcoin is locked up by fund providers and asset managers!

our @CoinSharesCo research team publishes an EXCELLENT weekly report on fund flows and AUMs -

Oct. 8, 2020: The purpose of this thread is to document and timestamp when it first became clear that #Bitcoin was likely to become a major reserve asset for public corporations, and eventually states, with Square's purchase of $50M in BTC.

The purpose is to give something to cite when ppl later claim "But there was NO WAY OF KNOWING..."

h/t @ErikSTownsend who used the same format to call out the impact of Covid on Feb 8 and made me personally aware of the looming shutdown of the country
https://t.co/opuiNgSeqC !

Bitcoiners smarter than me have been predicting the takeover of the dollar by Bitcoin for many years.

In 2014 with Bitcoin barely at $1B, @pierre_rochard wrote https://t.co/EGHa58KqHq, covering all the incorrect narratives of Bitcoin and stating it will overtake the dollar.

"[skeptics] misunderstand how strong currencies like bitcoin overtake weak currencies like the dollar: it is through speculative attacks and currency crises caused by investors, not through the careful evaluation of tech journalists and 'mainstream consumers'" - @pierre_rochard

I first became bullish on Bitcoin in the summer of 2016, around a $3B market cap, but it was still a toy project at that time in the eyes of most in the financial world, while many technologists thought of it as a v1 technology to be improved on.
Another #FreeLoveFriday. So far, I’ve covered Bitcoin, Mastercoin/Omni, and last week ChainLink and the importance of decentralized oracles. Today, let’s talk about one of the most fascinating projects in crypto - @MakerDAO

In my thread about Mastercoin, I briefly touched on the vital role fiat-backed stablecoins play in crypto markets, but there’s a catch with them:

The counterparty risk of a third-party holding fiat in reserves.

Enter MakerDAO, which set out to create a decentralized, collateral-backed cryptocurrency, DAI, that would be “soft-pegged” to the U.S. Dollar using the power of algorithms. In crypto tradition, its supporters said trust game theory, not operators.

In 2017, MakerDAO published a whitepaper describing a system where anyone could create DAI by leveraging ETH as collateral to create Collateralized Debt Positions. Essentially, you take out a digital USD loan against your crypto.

The game theory of the system is structured such that DAI issuance is controlled to keep the price pegged to $1.00. In essence, it buffers the fluctuations of the underlying collateral to create a synthetic dollar bill.

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